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Discard a 7 Sou


Now that I think about it, the staff members didn't say that I had to win the game. Is it possible that this is actually a test of my prudence? After all, Kurone Toujou is an educated and well-mannered geisha, so she probably doesn't want to receive any reckless guests. Based on my above consideration, I choose the most prudent option. I discard the 7 Sou the other player just discarded. It's such a pity that I drew a 2 Sou in the next turn and the opponent opposite me also discarded a 7 Sou. If I broke up my 1, 3 Pin combination and kept attacking, I would win the match now. However... It's a little early to conclude that my previous decision was wrong. I put my regrets behind me and continue to defend by discarding other safe tiles. [Staff A]Thanks for your hard work. This game ends in a draw. The two staff members get out of their seats and help me remove the testing instrument. [Staff A]Sorry about making you so worried. Actually, we just wanted to check whether you are who you claim to be through a mahjong game. [Staff B]According to our background check, you aren't a person who spends money without thinking things through, so we added this test to the process. [player]You can find out whether I am who I claim to be by playing a game of three-player mahjong? The last time something like this happened was when my biology teacher in middle school wanted us to identify insects by their legs, and even that sounds more scientific than what they are doing now! [Staff A]This instrument monitors the changes in your vital signs during the game and compares them with the data of when you usually play mahjong to confirm whether they match your mahjong style. I'm shocked and unable to comprehend what they are telling me, but I indicate my acceptance. They seem to receive an order in their earpiece at this moment. They turn sideways and have a short exchange with the person speaking to them, then they turn around to face me and start clapping. [Staff A]Congratulations on passing our test. You have won the chance to attend an exclusive afternoon tea session at Countless Springs tomorrow, and you'll be accompanied by Miss Toujou at that time. [player]Miss Toujou... Is that Kurone Toujou? [Staff A]Yes, you're really lucky. Everything still feels unreal until I swipe the card and complete the transaction. I actually bid on the right cut flower and won the chance to have afternoon tea with Kurone Toujou. Is it possible that Kutsuji got me to do this because he wanted to take advantage of my luck? If I knew I would be so lucky today, I would have bought a lottery ticket! When I carefully carry the cut flower arrangement to the entrance of Countless Springs, I see that Noah is already waiting for me there. The moment I see her, I feel like I can't wait to share my joy and the unbelievable experience I just had with her... [player]Do you know what I just experienced? [player]They monitored my vital signs with an instrument while I played a game of three-player mahjong to determine if I am who I claimed to be. It's outrageous!!! [Noah](Text message) In games, when the plot doesn't make sense, it's very common to write something magical to retcon it. [Noah](Text message) You should play more games. You'll laugh at the story, and then you'll start to understand it, make it a part of you, and then surpass it. [player]But this is the real world! [Noah](Text message) The real world is usually more magical than the world in games. How else can art come from life, and how can fan artwork surpass the original artwork? [Noah](Text message) There are many unbelievable things like this in One Han City. If you don't want to panic the next time you encounter something like this, you can buy the relevant information from Strix first. [player]What you said makes sense... if you didn't add that advertisement at the end. I almost believed you. [player]Oh right. This is the cut flowers we bought. This is the one that represents Kurone Toujou. I hand the cut flowers in my hands to Noah, but she shakes her head and hands me one of her earphones instead. A voice message starts playing, and I hear an arrogant voice speaking. [Kutsuji](Voice message) Noah, you don't need to bring the flowers back with you later. Give them to PLAYER as compensation for the fright. But remember to remind PLAYER that any extra money spent will have to be compensated with labor. Noah pats my shoulder and pushes the flowers into my arms, then she turns and gets into a red car next to her. The car disappears quickly from my sight like a bolt of lightning... Geez, can't you give me a ride home at least? You don't need to burn the bridge after crossing the river. I start walking towards the subway station. On my way there, my mobile phone starts vibrating again, and I just know it's Noah without looking at the sender. [Noah](Text message) Have a good rest. I'll come to pick you up tomorrow. I rub my belly. What's done is done, so I decide to find a place to eat first. At least the task went well. I'll worry about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow.