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Ask Chiori Mikami to massage my shoulders.


[Chiori Mikami]...Are you crazy? After hearing my request, Chiori Mikami's face is filled with disbelief. She picks up her mobile phone next to her and taps it a few times. Immediately afterward, the door opens with a bang as Riu Kujou storms in angrily. [player]...Eh? Ah! Not so hard! After teaching me a lesson, Riu Kujou leaves after Chiori Mikami tells her to. [Chiori Mikami]I'll give you one more chance. Think carefully about your wish. With lingering fear in my heart, I raise my hand timidly. [player]Chiori Mikami, please make me a cup of coffee. However, Chiori Mikami makes a displeased expression right after I make this request. [player]Hey, this request isn't too excessive. Didn't you work at Reina's place before? [Chiori Mikami]...Hmph, fine then. Just this once. Phew! I heave a sigh of relief when I see Chiori Mikami get up and go downstairs. It seems that the rules of the game are useful after all. In the dining room of Chiori Mikami's house a moment later [Chiori Mikami]Here you go. Chiori Mikami serves me a cup of coffee personally as promised. The cup of coffee served perfectly on a plate is aromatic and has exquisite latte art, which makes me feel a little flattered. [player]Thank you, Chiori. I'll dig in then. I raise the cup and take a sip. A spicy taste that doesn't belong to coffee takes me by surprise and rushes straight into my head. [player]Urgh! Bleurgh! Why is it spicy?! [Chiori Mikami]Hehe, you only asked me to make you a cup of coffee, but you didn't say what it had to taste like. There are no rules saying that you can't add chili powder to coffee, right? ...It's so spicy that I can't speak and tears roll out of my eyes. Chiori Mikami looks at me happily and even takes photos with her phone. ...So this is what this girl who is good at taking advantage of loopholes is capable of? How scary!!! Chiori Mikami looks at me disdainfully and shakes her head, then she turns around to go to the kitchen and returns with another cup of coffee. However, there are ice cubes floating on the surface this time. [Chiori Mikami]You're so useless. Since we still need to finish this game, you better drink this cup. It's too late to consider whether this is a normal cup of iced coffee, so I take it and start gulping it down. The icy cold coffee neutralizes the spiciness the moment it slides down my throat... [Chiori Mikami]Hmph, this is just a small lesson. I won't let you off so easily the next time you take advantage of a similar situation to request me to do something so excessive. Do you understand? I nod wildly. Thankfully, she still cares about me and didn't set up consecutive traps for me. We return to the study after this brief wish-making session, which I can't tell is a punishment or reward, ends. [Chiori Mikami]Let's continue playing the game. I'm going to show you my real strength now. [player]Same here. I roll the dice gently, after which our pieces continue to fight fiercely on the board. However, luck becomes less important as the game progresses, and the requirement for players to have good resource allocation, trading and purchasing, business vision, and other capabilities, increase accordingly. To my surprise, Chiori Mikami manages to take all my assets without me realizing it. Looking at Chiori Mikami who is in full control of the situation and exuding that familiar demon-like aura she has in mahjong dojos, I realize that I had greatly underestimated her mastery of this game. In the final stage of the game, I try my best to compete for resources and surpass Chiori Mikami, but the scale of victory tilts to the other side. After one last roll of the dice, I roll on a property owned by Chiori Mikami. I look at the small amount of game currency I have left and the taxes I can't afford, then I raise my hands in surrender. [player]I've lost. You're too good at this, Chiori. It doesn't feel like we're playing a Monopoly game. [Chiori Mikami]Hmph, nonsense. This is what you get for underestimating me. With a face filled with pride, Chiori Mikami walks to the bookcases in the study and presses something in front of them. In the next second, I hear the sound of mechanical slide rails as the seemingly normal bookcases suddenly move. Some bookcases move to the left, while some other bookcases move to the right, revealing a hidden space behind them! I am dumbfounded by this scene. When I look over, I see that the hidden space behind the bookcases is filled with various board game gift boxes, chess boards, and board game props of all sizes... This collection room is like heaven to board game players! [Chiori Mikami]You didn't expect this, right? I'm not an ordinary player. If you want to beat me, you need to play as many board games as me first! We're not on the same level at all. [Chiori Mikami]! It turns out that Chiori Mikami is not just any ordinary player who goes to board game parlors on a whim. She's a professional board game master! [player]Hahaha! You're so amazing! After experiencing a brief shock, I suddenly feel a surge of admiration. This young lady always seems to surprise me. [Chiori Mikami]...Huh? Chiori Mikami, however, doesn't seem too happy with my reaction. She looks at me with some surprise. [player]What is it? [Chiori Mikami]You're so strange. You lost and saw the gap between us. Shouldn't you be sad, unhappy, or angry? Just like those... those... Some images instantly appear in my mind, and they seem to tell me what she wants to say. "Just like those opponents she encounters in dojos or while playing other board games who run away crying after she beats them." I smile and shake my head. [player]Although I lost, at least I got to spend an unforgettable afternoon with you, Chiori. This is an unforgettable experience in itself, so why should I be unhappy? The late afternoon sun shines into the study. The game board and props are still spread everywhere on the table as we haven't gotten around to tidying them up yet. One of the pieces wobbles and falls over as a gust of wind blows into the room, sending ripples through the world of the game board. Chiori Mikami's eyelashes tremble slightly as she thinks deeply. She turns her head away and mutters something under her breath, then she looks up at me. [Chiori Mikami]We're not going tomorrow. The training is canceled. [player]Huh? Canceled? Why? [Chiori Mikami]...You idiot. We spent the whole afternoon playing this game. We don't have enough time for the training even if we start now. We'll just lose again if we challenge that couple tomorrow. What's more... [Chiori Mikami]What's more, I've thought about it. PLAYER, you and I have a different idea of victory. Since we need to play this game as a team, we won't really win if I'm the only one who thinks we've won. [player]Does this mean you're starting to consider my feelings, Chiori? [Chiori Mikami]T-That's not it! I'm only considering this because you're my teammate! [player]Oh, I see. I readily agree. After all, I was lucky enough to see her blushing with embarrassment, so it doesn't matter if her argument is a little weak. Of course, I'll forgive her. [Chiori Mikami]...We'll need to do some real training so that we both win. [player]Haha, so you're saying that we will win the game and get a perfect score for our synergy? This seems even harder than what you were originally aiming for. [Chiori Mikami]That's why you're not allowed to slack off starting today! [player]Okay, okay. We'll agree on that happily then. Chiori Mikami and I then made this agreement. Later, when I looked through her collection of board games carefully, I asked her curiously-- [player]That's right. Chiori, when did you start playing board games? [Chiori Mikami]I started when I was really little, but I have spent less time playing other board games after I started playing mahjong. [player]Why do you like board games so much? [Chiori Mikami]Is that so hard to understand? I get to use the rules to torment my opponents. Don't you think games like that are so interesting? [player]Huh? [Chiori Mikami]It's nothing. You'll experience this kind of fun too. There will be so many ways for us to develop our synergy in the future! ...When I see the sweet smile on Miss Chiori's face, anticipation, and fear emerge in my heart at the same time.