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The seventh shelf


The seventh shelf [Narration]I'm at the seventh shelf. The books here are all about art. [player]Oh no! I think I'm at the wrong shelf. The book isn't here. [Mai Aihara]Master, Onodera said she remembers which books she just sorted. [Nanaha Onodera]Although PLAYER said I didn't need to recall which ones, there weren't many anyway. [Nanaha Onodera]It was a literary work, and it's on the shelf over there. [Narration]After speaking, Nanaha Onodera leads Mai to the shelf. What should I do? I can't think of a reason to stop her. [Mai Aihara]Master, I'm also interested in the book you're looking for. Can I come and take a look too? [player]Um... Well... [Narration]Should I lie and say I need to go to the toilet again? But even if I leave, Nanaha Onodera will find the "Garden Files." I'm... out of options. [Narration]Unable to think of any other ideas, I follow Nanaha Onodera to the bookshelf where the novels are placed. [Mai Aihara]I can't wait to see the book Master likes. [Narration]The longer I look at Mai's smiling face, the greater the despair in my heart. I'm even on the verge of seeing hallucinations— [Nanaha Onodera]Oh? This doesn't seem like a book from this library. [Narration]Once she finds the "Garden Files," Nanaha Onodera will wonder why it has a dust jacket, and then she might find traces left by Mai in the book when she flips through it. Mai is an honest person, so I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote her name on the book. [Nanaha Onodera]Is this Mai's book? "Pineapple Instructor"... Hiding it in a dust jacket? That's a nice trick. [Narration]Mai will be incredibly embarrassed and won't understand why the book is here. But she will soon realize the fact that I was looking for it and misunderstand my intentions... [Mai Aihara]Master, are you bullying me on purpose? Do you dislike me so much? [Nanaha Onodera]PLAYER, you're using books to bully others? That's such bad taste. [Narration]Stop right there. I'm exaggerating too much. Instead of worrying about it wildly, I should be thinking of how to fix the situation. [player]F-Found it! This is the book I've been looking for! [Narration]I can only prevent the situation from getting worse by keeping Mai's secret. With my quick wits, I pull a random book with a green cover from the shelf. [Mai Aihara]This... This is the book you like, Master? [player]Y-Yes! I like this book, "I'm a Novice With S-level M-Magic Skills who Finally Became the Strongest Hero A-After Becoming a Warrior..." [Narration]What is this title? "I'm a Novice With S-level Magic Skills who Finally Became the Strongest Hero After Becoming a Warrior but was still Killed by the Demon King With One Blow." I can't even read the whole thing in one breath. [Nanaha Onodera]PLAYER, the fans call this book "Magic S". [player]Is that so? I... I love "Magic S!" It's great stress relief, and reading it before going to bed really helps me with my sleep. [Mai Aihara]I... I see... Although the title is a little long, the characters on the cover look quite cute. [player]Yes! I've found the book I'm looking for. Thank you, Onodera. [Narration]For a moment, I thought Mai saw through me, but Mai doesn't seem to suspect a thing. The "Garden Files" shouldn't be found for now. [Nanaha Onodera]You're quite lucky. "Magic S" is quite popular, and this book was just returned not too long ago. [player]It's really that popular? [Nanaha Onodera]Is this really the book you're looking for? [Narration]Oh no! [player]I-Is there a problem? [Nanaha Onodera]...Nope. I'll help you check out the book. Just come over to claim it from the management desk later. [Narration]Surprisingly, Nanaha Onodera, who should have seen through my lie, has decided to turn a blind eye. [Narration]With that, I'm lucky enough to help Mai keep her secret, but I also have to leave the "Garden Files" in the library for now. [Mai Aihara]Master, please leave the books anywhere you like. [player]Okay, I'll leave them on this coffee table then. Ahaha... [Narration]Soon after that, Mai and I carry all the books we borrowed from the library to the Temple of Moons. [Mai Aihara]It must have been hard on you, Master. It's all because I took out so many books. [player]It's alright. Well, I still have something to do, so I need to leave first... [Mai Aihara]Leave? Right now? [Narration]Mai still hasn't realized that her "Garden Files" is missing. I feel guilty about keeping this from her, but it's more important right now to get back to the library as soon as possible to find it. [player]It won't take long. I'll be back very soon. [Narration]The "Garden Files" must still be in the library. The crisis will be averted if I can get it back in time and put it on the shelf in the living room. [Narration]I observe the bookshelf as I think to myself. You can tell by the wide variety of books on it that Mai really likes to read. [Narration]On the bookshelf is a book with a green spine. At first, I thought it was just a book that looked similar to the "Garden Files," but then I saw the words "Garden Files" written on the side with a marker pen. [Mai Aihara]Okay, I understand. But Master, would you like to drink a cup of tea before you leave? [Narration]I take two steps closer to observe it carefully while pretending that nothing is happening. In the end, I confirm that this is indeed the "Garden Files" I saw before. [Mai Aihara]Master? [player]...Now that I think about it, I'll go there some other day. [Mai Aihara]Eh? Are you not leaving now? [player]Yea, I've decided to stay and have a cup of tea. Is that okay, Mai? [Mai Aihara]Of course. Please give me a moment. [Narration]I also feel relieved as I watch Mai runs happily to the kitchen. My conclusion is that the book that I picked up at the library is probably not the "Garden Files." [Narration]Now that I think about it, that was just a library book that fell behind Mai and had the same dust jacket as the "Garden Files." I jumped to conclusion when I decided it was Mai's book. [player]The matter is sorted out now since I don't need to go back to the library. I should read a book and take a break for a while. [Narration]With that thought in mind, I pick up a book that we just borrowed and start reading it. [player]Eh? This book is... [Narration]...Oh, it's you again!