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Joseph's Story

物語 エンディング Body アイテム 絆レベル
Videotape ビデオテープ

Joseph's grandfather passed away when he was 22, so Joseph and his parents returned to their village for the first time in many years to handle the funeral.
"Is this... Mom, is there an old VCR downstairs?!"
When he was going through his grandfather's belongings,... more

A Serendipitous Encounter 思いがけない出会い

This is an ordinary village near an ancient forest. Its inhabitants led honest, simple lives, though perhaps a little isolated.
"Mornin', my boy! Are you off for a walk today too?"
"Yeah, man! I'm going on an adventure today!"
Joseph flexed his... more


This is one strange eagle.
It is the only one of its kind that desires to leave its forest home.
It's not because life is tough at home. Apart from the slightly above average number of rainy days, it's pleasant here. The climate is comfortable, food is plentiful, and its... more

Mountain Climbing 二人でハイキング End1.宝くじが当たるかも

* Keep going a while longer

コイン8000 絆レベル4
二人でハイキング End2.見覚えしかない

* Take Joseph's advice

Sphere of Honesty 絆レベル4
Possess, or Be Possessed 所有すると所有される End3.漢の風格

* Sounds like what Joseph would do OR It's really unfortunate
* That's so awesome

コイン12000 絆レベル5
所有すると所有される End4.帰れる港

* Sounds like what Joseph would do OR It's really unfortunate
* That makes me a little uneasy

Moonlight Lucky Bag 絆レベル5
Jungle's Starry Sky 奇跡の星空 End5.明日も楽しもう

* Keep my eyes closed OR Open my eyes
* Sparkling water is good enough for me OR We should try something a little more adventurous
* Maybe in the evening OR Try foraging
* No treasure found

Sunshine Lucky Bag 契約
奇跡の星空 End6.未来へつなぐ

* Keep my eyes closed OR Open my eyes
* Sparkling water is good enough for me OR We should try something a little more adventurous
* Maybe in the evening OR Try foraging
* Memories

Summon Scroll 契約