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Could you have got the number wrong?


[Chiori Mikami]Fool, do you think I have as bad a memory as you?! Maybe we should split up. [???]Meow-- Then, in the distance, there's another meow. Chiori Mikami and I look at the same time to find a large, full-grown calico cat. It approaches, rubs our legs, meows twice, and runs off a few steps. It looks back and, seeing that we haven't moved, meows anxiously. [Chiori Mikami]This is the mother cat. She's never let me get close before, let alone voluntarily come to say hi. [player]Something must have happened. Let's follow her. We follow the cat all over the place, until she eventually stops near a remote, dried-up canal. She starts meowing, and a feeble cry responds weakly. Chiori Mikami and I squat down to look and sure enough, there's the lost orange kitten. We don't know what it had been through, but right now it's stuck behind a fence at the far end of the canal, unable to move. Seeing us coming, its cries get even more plaintive. [ Chiori Mikami]Don't be scared! We're here to rescue you. PLAYER, help me look after Index. Before I can reply, Chiori Mikami thrusts her plushie handbag at me, rolls up her sleeves, and slips into the canal. The disused canal isn't deep and, while it might be dry, it's also full of cobwebs and dust. Chiori Mikami frowns, but doesn't hesitate in reaching behind the fence and clearing the stones that have the kitten trapped. Too late to help, I can only watch Chiori Mikami nervously, ready to ensure her safety. The calico cat leads the way and clearly understands that we're rescuing her kitten. While she paces nervously around me, she doesn't interfere until Chiori Mikami successfully saves the kitten. [Chiori Mikami]It's okay. You can come out now. I carefully take the kitten from Chiori Mikami's hand, then hold out my own to help her out of the canal, before gently depositing the kitten in front of its mother. [Chiori Mikami]Remember to look after your kids next time! However, the scene in my imagination of cats understanding human speech and thanking the two-legged beasts does not materialize. Instead, the calico cat looks at us warily, then quick as a flash picks up the little orange kitten and disappears into the shadows. [player]...Well, it's in cats' nature to be wary of humans. Having thought that, I look at Chiori Mikami. She's not upset with the cat's "callousness" in the slightest, but jumps up, turns around, and walks back. [Chiori Mikami]Hmph, let's go. You may be useless, but at least you've got a positive attitude. Come to my place for dinner. Thanks to the rescue operation just now, her sleeves and skirt are covered in dust. It's the first time I've seen her looking so disheveled. [Chiori Mikami]... Suddenly Chiori Mikami, who is walking in front, comes to a complete stop. She pauses, turns her head, and then walks quickly behind me... I think I see a flash of confusion in her eyes, but it's gone in an instant - if it was ever there. [player]...What? [Chiori Mikami]You go first. [player]Huh? [Chiori Mikami]Quickly! I don't know why, but I do as I'm told. I'd followed the cat all the way here, so the surrounding paths are all unfamiliar. I should be able to remember the way back, as long as we... go... slowly. Suddenly, a thought strikes me. [player]So, Chiori, you couldn't... [Chiori Mikami]Impossible! There's no way I don't know the way back! [player]Ha! You didn't need to be asked either! We're even now. [Chiori Mikami]...OOOHHHHH! You despicable, cunning, shameless, creep!!! My happy mood automatically translates this into words of praise. Turns out the mahjong girl genius is a little bad at directions, and that's an unexpected bonus this trip. Chiori Mikami's house We make it safely back to Chiori Mikami's house, and while she's in the bath I fill in Riu Kujou on what happened. [Riu Kujou]Phew... Can't believe that sort of thing happened... But anyway, thank you so much for your help. [player]Don't mention it. Anyone would do the same. [Riu Kujou]Oh yeah, speaking of the scoundrel... They left another clue. Come with me. [player]Okay. I've got my own ideas about their true identity anyway, so this might help verify. Riu Kujou and I go to the front door, where she takes out a cardboard box and opens it for me to take a look. Inside is a pretty large, dead mouse. [Riu Kujou]This time they left this right outside the glass door to Miss Chiori's balcony. I was worried that she might see it, so scooped it up and put it in the box. Really, so repulsive! [player]Oh... Could you show me the balcony, Riu? There might be something to confirm the culprit's identity. Riu Kujou hesitates briefly, then nods. Chiori Mikami's balcony [player]Aha! Seems I was right. Take a look here. I search carefully after following Riu Kujou to Chiori Mikami's balcony, and find the "evidence" on the girlishly-decorated swing - stuck in its chains is a pinch of multicolored... cat hair. [Riu Kujou]...Cat hair? [player]That's right. Felines have a habit of presenting their prey to benefactors. I suspect that the only one who can stealthily climb up to such a high balcony, spy without being discovered every day, and also leave such a "horrible" gift is... one of the cats that Chiori's insisted on feeding, the mother of that litter of kittens. [Riu Kujou]I see. [player]Right. One person's trash is another's treasure, but this seemingly ferocious cat's way of saying thanks really is a little hard for humans to accept. I feel kinda sorry for you, Riu, as I think you could find quite a few gifts like this for Chiori in the near future. [Riu Kujou]Got it. I'll take care of it. But instead of feeling sorry for me, I suggest you figure out your next steps. [player]What do you mean? [Riu Kujou]Miss Chiori just informed me that today you seemed to know things that you weren't supposed to. She was very firm that I must deal with you tonight. [player]...Objection! Didn't I bring her back after she'd gotten lost? Don't you think this way of repaying a favor is a little unreasonable? [Riu Kujou]That's a different matter. Miss Chiori has decided to let you stay for dinner as a token of gratitude. In the meantime, think carefully about how to beg forgiveness. Fine. It is what it is. Looks like I'm going to have to value the time I spend with the young lady, strive to make a good impression, and earn some leniency.