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Refuse the training


If I play this game that's all about synergy with Chiori by taking advantage of the loopholes in its rules, it seems to take the meaning and fun out of it. Our victory would be hollow even if we did manage to win because we might have missed out on an even richer experience. [player]Sorry, Chiori, I don't want to do this training. [Chiori Mikami]...Why? As it probably never occurred to Chiori Mikami that I would turn her down, she looks a little dazed for a moment, then she starts blinking in panic. [Chiori Mikami]Y-You! How dare you to reject me! Do you think that just anyone can get this chance to be my teammate?! [player]Of course not... But I just read the information and realized that the creator designed this board game to help the participants learn more about each other by playing it. [player]I don't think we should discuss a strategy in advance because the game wouldn't be fun. I prefer to develop a lasting synergy with you, Chiori. I express my thoughts carefully with my words because I want Chiori Mikami to understand my sincerity. Chiori Mikami looks at me and even seems to be a little moved, but after a brief silence, she makes an aggrieved expression with her beautiful eyes. [Chiori Mikami]...Geez, all you do is preach to me. You aren't even willing to help me win a game. PLAYER, you really are a jerk, idiot, and nuisance! In that case, I won't play with you anymore! [player]Eh?! Chiori turns around angrily and faces me with her sulking back every time I try to explain. A huge red exclamation mark pops up in my heart. This is a crisis! This is a major crisis in my friendship with Chiori Mikami! ...Oh well, even cats loath being stroked against the hair. After thinking about it, I come up with a possible solution. [player]It looks like we won't be able to change each other's minds. In that case, Chiori, why don't we decide it with a match? [Chiori Mikami]No! [player]...Chiori, don't tell me you're afraid of playing against me? [player]! [Chiori Mikami]You're the one who is afraid! Well, what should we play? Phew! At least this trick still works. To some extent, this young lady is quite easy to coax. [player]Ahem, any game you like. We'll settle it with one match, and the loser has to listen to the winner. What about that? [Chiori Mikami]Okay! Let's do it! I'm going to win! Two different types of board games, One Han City Monopoly and Kalli Galli, are on the desk in the study, both of which were found by Chiori Mikami when she rummaged through the drawers in the study. They are board games that most youths of One Han City have at home. [Chiori Mikami]To be fair, I'll let you choose which of these two games to play. The winner will be in charge. They are both popular games, but they are quite different... To win against Chiori Mikami, I need to choose carefully.