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Displaying 1 - 319 of 319
カテゴリ Title Body アイテム
The Journe 四象・白銀の始まり Achieve Adept 1 in 4-Player Ranked Room
The Journe 四象・金耀の奮進 Achieve Expert 1 in 4-Player Ranked Room
The Journe 三垣・白銀の始まり Achieve Adept 1 in 3-Player Ranked Room
The Journe 三垣・金耀の奮進 Achieve Expert 1 in 3-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 四象・新進気鋭 Win 1st place once in 4-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 四象・勝利への定石 Win top 2 places once in 4-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 四象・三十六計逃げるに如かず Win top 3 places once in 4-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 四象・状況把握 Win top 3 places 5 times in a row in 4-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 三垣・新進気鋭 Win 1st place once in 3-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 三垣・三十六計逃げるに如かず Win top 2 places once in 3-Player Ranked Room
Winning Streak 三垣・状況把握 Win top 2 places 5 times in 3-Player Ranked Room
Collector 自分自身で成すべきこと Achieve [Fully Concealed Hand] in Ranked room
Collector 宣戦布告 Achieve [Riichi] in Ranked room
Collector その槓成立せず! Achieve [Robbing a kan] in Ranked room
Collector 高嶺の花 Achieve [After a Kan] in Ranked room
Collector 海底に映る美しい月 Achieve [Under the Sea] in Ranked room
Collector 美味しい魚は河底にあり Achieve [Under the River] in Ranked room
Collector 雪膚 Achieve [Dragons: White] in Ranked room
Collector 青糸 Achieve [Dragons: Green] in Ranked room
Collector 朱唇 Achieve [Dragons: Red] in Ranked room
Collector 一方通行 Achieve [Seat Wind] in Ranked room
Collector 四方の旅人 Achieve [Prevalent Wind] in Ranked room
Collector タンニャオにゃ!! Achieve [All Simples] in Ranked room
Collector コピー機 Achieve [Pure Double Sequence] in Ranked room
Collector 心の平和 Achieve [Pinfu] in Ranked room
Collector 変なのが混ざっちゃった Achieve [Half Outside Hand] in Ranked room
Collector ☆123456789☆ Achieve [Pure Straight] in Ranked room
Collector 語呂がいい役名その一 Achieve [Mixed Triple Sequence] in Ranked room
Collector 役満失敗の慰め Achieve [Double Riichi] in Ranked room
Collector 知らない子ですね Achieve [Triple Triplets] in Ranked room
Collector 混沌にして悪 Achieve [Three Quads] in Ranked room
Collector ポンポンポン Achieve [All Triplets] in Ranked room
Collector これ四暗刻じゃないんだ Achieve [Three Concealed Triplets] in Ranked room
Collector 怖かった? Achieve [Little Three Dragons] in Ranked room
Collector 字牌は嫌だ… Achieve [All Terminals and Honors] in Ranked room
Collector 両手に花 Achieve [Seven Pairs] in Ranked room
Collector 純潔無垢 Achieve [Fully Outside Hand] in Ranked room
Collector 左から切る Achieve [Half Flush] in Ranked room
Collector 七対子って言ってたのに! Achieve [Twice Pure Double Sequence] in Ranked room
Collector 何を待っているんだろう Achieve [Full Flush] in Ranked room
Collector 未来予知 Achieve [Ippatsu] in Ranked room
Collector キラキラ Achieve [Dora] in Ranked room
Collector 赤いキラキラ Achieve [Red Five] in Ranked room
Collector 隠されたキラキラ Achieve [Ura Dora in Ranked room
Collector 明かされたキラキラ Achieve [Kita] in Ranked room
Collector 君の聴牌は何の意味もない Achieve [Mangan at Draw] in Ranked room
Collector 私の10000点どこいった? Achieve [Riichi] 10 times in Ranked room
Collector 私の100000点どこいった? Achieve [Riichi] 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 運命予知 Achieve [Ippatsu] 10 times in Ranked room
Collector 量子コンピューター Achieve [Ippatsu] 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 心身平静 Achieve [Pinfu] 10 times in Ranked room
Collector 世界平和 Achieve [Pinfu] 100 times in Ranked room
Collector タンニャオにゃにゃ!! Achieve [All Simples] 10 times in Ranked room
Collector タンニャオにゃにゃにゃ!! Achieve [All Simples] 100 times in Ranked room
Collector ひたすら左から切ればいい Achieve [Half Flush] 10 times in Ranked room
Collector ただひたすら左から切るのみ Achieve [Half Flush] 100 times in Ranked room
Collector いったい何を待っているんだろう Achieve [Full Flush] 10 times in Ranked room
Collector 東風の願いⅠ Achieve Seat Wind: East 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 東風の願いⅡ Achieve Seat Wind: East 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 東風の願いⅢ Achieve Seat Wind: East 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 東風の願いⅣ Achieve Seat Wind: East 500 times in Ranked room
Collector 南風の温もりⅠ Achieve Seat Wind: South 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 南風の温もりⅡ Achieve Seat Wind: South 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 南風の温もりⅢ Achieve Seat Wind: South 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 南風の温もりⅣ Achieve Seat Wind: South 500 times in Ranked room
Collector 西風の野性Ⅰ Achieve Seat Wind: West 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 西風の野性Ⅱ Achieve Seat Wind: West 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 西風の野性Ⅲ Achieve Seat Wind: West 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 西風の野性Ⅳ Achieve Seat Wind: West 500 times in Ranked room
Collector 北風の凛冽Ⅰ Achieve Seat Wind: North 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 北風の凛冽Ⅱ Achieve Seat Wind: North 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 北風の凛冽Ⅲ Achieve Seat Wind: North 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 北風の凛冽Ⅳ Achieve Seat Wind: North 500 times in Ranked room
Collector 雪膚花貌Ⅰ Achieve Dragons: White 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 雪膚花貌Ⅱ Achieve Dragons: White 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 雪膚花貌Ⅲ Achieve Dragons: White 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 青糸黒髪Ⅰ Achieve Dragons: Green 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 青糸黒髪Ⅱ Achieve Dragons: Green 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 青糸黒髪Ⅲ Achieve Dragons: Green 100 times in Ranked room
Collector 朱唇皓歯Ⅰ Achieve Dragons: Red 5 times in Ranked room
Collector 朱唇皓歯Ⅱ Achieve Dragons: Red 50 times in Ranked room
Collector 朱唇皓歯Ⅲ Achieve Dragons: Red 100 times in Ranked room
Seasoned 龍の誕生 Win 10 games with Ron in Ranked room
Seasoned 龍の吐息 Win 100 games with Ron in Ranked room
Seasoned 龍の囁き Win 1000 games with Ron in Ranked room
Seasoned 鳳の誕生 Win 10 games with Tsumo in Ranked room
Seasoned 鳳の吐息 Win 100 games with Tsumo in Ranked room
Seasoned 鳳の囁き Win 1000 games with Tsumo in Ranked room
Seasoned 初陣 Complete 1 Ranked match
Seasoned 一人前 Complete 10 Ranked match
Seasoned 四象・初陣 Complete 1 matches in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・一人前 Complete 10 matches in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・勇往邁進 Complete 3000 matches in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 三垣・初陣 Complete 1 matches in 3-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 三垣・一人前 Complete 10 matches in 3-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 東風戦・初陣 Complete 1 East game (4-Player East/3-Player East) in Ranked room
Seasoned 東風戦・一人前 Complete 10 East game (4-Player East/3-Player East) in Ranked room
Seasoned 半荘戦・初陣 Complete 1 Hanchan game (4-Player South/3-Player South) in Ranked room
Seasoned 半荘戦・一人前 Complete 10 Hanchan game (4-Player South/3-Player South) in Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・豪快な一位Ⅰ Win 1st place 5 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・奮闘の二位Ⅰ Win 2nd place 5 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・努力の三位Ⅰ Win 3rd place 5 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・仕方のないことⅠ Win 4th place 5 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 四象・仕方のないことⅡ Win 4th place 50 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 三垣・豪快な一位Ⅰ Win 1st place 5 times in 3-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 三垣・奮闘の二位Ⅰ Win 2nd place 5 times in 3-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 三垣・仕方のないことⅠ Win 3rd place 5 times in 3-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 三垣・仕方のないことⅡ Win 3rd place 50 times in 3-Player Ranked room
Seasoned 東風の力Ⅰ Win 1st place once starting at East in Ranked room
Seasoned 東風の力Ⅱ Win 1st place 10 times starting at East in Ranked room
Seasoned 南風の力Ⅰ Win 1st place once starting at South in Ranked room
Seasoned 南風の力Ⅱ Win 1st place 10 times starting at South in Ranked room
Seasoned 西風の力Ⅰ Win 1st place once starting at West in Ranked room
Seasoned 西風の力Ⅱ Win 1st place 10 times starting at West in Ranked room
Seasoned 北風の力Ⅰ Win 1st place once starting at North in Ranked room
Seasoned 北風の力Ⅱ Win 1st place 10 times starting at North in Ranked room
Seasoned 力の解放Ⅰ Achieve Mangan once in Ranked room
Seasoned 力の解放Ⅱ Achieve Mangan 10 times in Ranked room
Seasoned 力の解放Ⅲ Achieve Mangan 100 times in Ranked room
Seasoned 枷を打ち砕くⅠ Achieve Haneman once in Ranked room
Seasoned 枷を打ち砕くⅡ Achieve Haneman 10 times in Ranked room
Seasoned 枷を打ち砕くⅢ Achieve Haneman 100 times in Ranked room
Seasoned 火力全開Ⅰ Achieve Baiman once in Ranked room
Seasoned 火力全開Ⅱ Achieve Baiman 10 times in Ranked room
Seasoned 寸止めの芸術Ⅰ Achieve Sanbaiman once in Ranked room
Seasoned はじめまして! Complete 1 Friendly Match
Seasoned よろしくお願いします! Complete 10 Friendly Match
Seasoned 交流の間・初陣 Complete 1 Casual Match
Seasoned 交流の間・一人前 Complete 10 Casual Match
Storyteller 四象・原点の守護者Ⅰ Finish with 25,000 points or more once in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 四象・原点の守護者Ⅱ Finish with 25,000 points or more 10 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 四象・原点の守護者Ⅲ Finish with 25,000 points or more 100 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 四象・二倍原点の強欲Ⅰ Finish with 50,000 points or more once in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 四象・二倍原点の強欲Ⅱ Finish with 50,000 points or more 10 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 四象・三倍原点の野望Ⅰ Finish with 75,000 points or more once in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 三垣・原点の守護者Ⅰ Finish with 35,000 points or more once in 3-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 三垣・原点の守護者Ⅱ Finish with 35,000 points or more 10 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 三垣・原点の守護者Ⅲ Finish with 35,000 points or more 100 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 三垣・二倍原点の強欲Ⅰ Finish with 70,000 points or more once in 3-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 三垣・二倍原点の強欲Ⅱ Finish with 70,000 points or more 10 times in 4-Player Ranked room
Storyteller 竜王の加護 Get 4 or more Doras with one Ron/Tsumo in Ranked room (including Ura Dora, Red Five, Kita)
Storyteller 竜王の寵愛 Get 8 or more Doras with one Ron/Tsumo in Ranked room (including Ura Dora, Red Five, Kita)
Storyteller 竜の観測者 Get 10 or more Doras with Ron(s)/Tsumo(s) in Ranked room (including Ura Dora, Red Five, Kita)
Exemplar 雀魂へようこそ Log in for the first time
Exemplar 累計ログイン:3日 Log in for 3 days in total
Exemplar 累計ログイン:7日 Log in for 7 days in total
Exemplar 累計ログイン:15日 Log in for 15 days in total
Exemplar 累計ログイン:30日 Log in for 30 days in total
Exemplar 累計ログイン:60日 Log in for 60 days in total
Exemplar 連続ログイン:3日 Log in for 3 days in total
Exemplar 連続ログイン:1週間 Log in for 7 days in total
Exemplar 連続ログイン:半月 Log in for 15 days in total
Shrine Guest 初回祈願記念 Summon Once
Shrine Guest はじめての友人 Add 1 friend
Shrine Guest 卓を囲んでみよう! Add 3 friends
Shrine Guest コミュ強者 Add 10 friends
Shrine Guest 精励刻苦 View a game log for the first time
Shrine Guest 韋編三絶 View game logs for 10 times
Shrine Guest これ、いらない Donate 1 Gift (Items - Gift - Donate)
Shrine Guest 全部あげようか Donate 10 Gift (Items - Gift - Donate)
Shrine Guest 卸屋の掟 Donate 100 Gift (Items - Gift - Donate)
Shrine Guest 装飾品コレクターⅠ Obtain a Decoration for the first time
Shrine Guest 装飾品コレクターⅡ Obtain 10 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 装飾品コレクターⅢ Obtain 20 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 装飾品コレクターⅣ Obtain 30 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 装飾品コレクターⅤ Obtain 40 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 装飾品コレクターⅥ Obtain 50 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 衣装コレクターⅠ Obtain Outfit (including Bonding Outfit) for the first time
Shrine Guest 衣装コレクターⅡ Obtain 10 different Outfits (including Bonding Outfit)
Shrine Guest 初めての雑貨 Obtain 1 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 雑貨の常連さん Obtain 10 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 初めての願いの小屋 Obtain 1 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 初めての星の小屋 Obtain 1 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 初めての福袋小屋 Obtain 1 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 福袋小屋の常連さん Obtain 10 different Decorations
Shrine Guest 初めての洋服屋 Obtain 1 different Decorations
All-embracing ニューフェイス Obtain 100,000 Coppers in total
All-embracing 雀荘初心者 Obtain 500,000 Coppers in total
All-embracing 雀荘常連 Obtain 1,000,000 Coppers in total
All-embracing 十人十色 Obtain 5 Titles in Total
All-embracing 実績コレクターⅠ Obtain 10 Achievements in Total
All-embracing 実績コレクターⅡ Obtain 50 Achievements in Total
All-embracing 生き残りたいhidden achievements Finish with 0 point in the Ranked room
All-embracing 数珠繋ぎhidden achievements Obtain 2 Decorations in a 10-time Summon
Crowdedness 絆レベル1記念 Reach Bond Lv 1 with a Jyanshi
Crowdedness 絆レベル2記念 Reach Bond Lv 2 with a Jyanshi
Crowdedness 絆レベル3記念 Reach Bond Lv 3 with a Jyanshi
Crowdedness 絆レベル4記念 Reach Bond Lv 4 with a Jyanshi
Crowdedness 絆レベル5記念 Reach Bond Lv 5 with a Jyanshi Autumn Chill
Crowdedness 旅人の気持ち Gift Jyanshi for the first time
Crowdedness 貴族の気持ち Gift Jyanshi 10 time
Crowdedness 一心一意 Bond with a Jyanshi for the first time
Crowdedness 藤田佳奈との出会い Obtain Jyanshi KanaFujita
Crowdedness 三上千織との出会い Obtain Jyanshi ChioriMikami
Crowdedness 相原舞との出会い Obtain Jyanshi MaiAihara
Crowdedness 撫子との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Nadeshiko
Crowdedness 八木唯との出会い Obtain Jyanshi YuiYagi
Crowdedness 九条璃雨との出会い Obtain Jyanshi RiuKujou
Crowdedness ジニアとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Xenia
Crowdedness カーヴィとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Kaavi
Crowdedness 四宮夏生との出会い Obtain Jyanshi NatsukiShinomiya
Crowdedness ワン次郎との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Wanjirou
Crowdedness 一ノ瀬空との出会い Obtain Jyanshi SoraIchinose
Crowdedness 明智英樹との出会い Obtain Jyanshi HidekiAkechi
Crowdedness 軽庫娘との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Keikumusume
Crowdedness サラとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Sara
Crowdedness 二之宮花との出会い Obtain Jyanshi HanaNinomiya
Crowdedness 白石奈々との出会い Obtain Jyanshi NanaShiraishi
Crowdedness 小鳥遊雛田との出会い Obtain Jyanshi HinataTakanashi
Crowdedness 五十嵐陽菜との出会い Obtain Jyanshi HarunaIgarashi
Crowdedness 涼宮杏樹との出会い Obtain Jyanshi AnjuSuzumiya
Crowdedness ジョセフとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Joseph
Crowdedness 斎藤治との出会い Obtain Jyanshi OsamuSaitou
Crowdedness 北見紗和子との出会い Obtain Jyanshi SawakoKitami
Crowdedness エインとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Ein
Crowdedness 雛桃との出会い Obtain Jyanshi MomoHina
Crowdedness 月見山との出会い Obtain Jyanshi ZanTsukimi
Crowdedness 藤本キララとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi KiraraFujimoto
Crowdedness かぐや姫との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Kaguyahime
Crowdedness 如月蓮との出会い Obtain Jyanshi RenKisaragi
Crowdedness 石原碓海との出会い Obtain Jyanshi UsumiIshihara
Crowdedness エリサとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Eliisa
Crowdedness 寺崎千穂理との出会い Obtain Jyanshi ChihoriTerasaki
Crowdedness 福姫との出会い Obtain Jyanshi FuJi
Crowdedness 七夕との出会い Obtain Jyanshi QiXi
Crowdedness 七海礼奈との出会い Obtain Jyanshi ReinaNanami
Crowdedness A-37との出会い Obtain Jyanshi A-37
Crowdedness 姫川響との出会い Obtain Jyanshi HibikiHimekawa
Crowdedness ライアンとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Ryan
Crowdedness 森川綾子との出会い Obtain Jyanshi AyakoMorikawa
Crowdedness 滝川夏彦との出会い Obtain Jyanshi NatsuhikoTakigawa
Crowdedness 小野寺七羽との出会い Obtain Jyanshi NanahaOnodera
Crowdedness サミールとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Sammir
Crowdedness ゆずとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Yuzu
Crowdedness ゼクスとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Zechs
Crowdedness 四宮冬実との出会い Obtain Jyanshi FuyumiShinomiya
Crowdedness セイランとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi QingLuan
Crowdedness 如月彩音との出会い Obtain Jyanshi AyaneKisaragi
Crowdedness 未来との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Mirai
Crowdedness 嵐星との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Ransei
Crowdedness リンとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Ling
Crowdedness ハンナとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Hannah
Crowdedness ムーサとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi Musa
Crowdedness イブとの出会い Obtain Jyanshi EveKrist
Crowdedness 玖辻との出会い Obtain Jyanshi Kutsuji
Crowdedness 琳琅との出会い Obtain Jyanshi LinLang
Crowdedness 袁楓との出会い Obtain Jyanshi YuanFeng
Crowdedness 一姫の契約者 Bond with Ichihime
Crowdedness 二階堂美樹の契約者 Bond with MikiNikaidou
Crowdedness 藤田佳奈の契約者 Bond with KanaFujita
Crowdedness 三上千織の契約者 Bond with ChioriMikami
Crowdedness 相原舞の契約者 Bond with MaiAihara
Crowdedness 撫子の契約者 Bond with Nadeshiko
Crowdedness 八木唯の契約者 Bond with YuiYagi
Crowdedness 九条璃雨の契約者 Bond with RiuKujou
Crowdedness ジニアの契約者 Bond with Xenia
Crowdedness カーヴィの契約者 Bond with Kaavi
Crowdedness 四宮夏生の契約者 Bond with NatsukiShinomiya
Crowdedness ワン次郎の契約者 Bond with Wanjirou
Crowdedness 一ノ瀬空の契約者 Bond with SoraIchinose
Crowdedness 明智英樹の契約者 Bond with HidekiAkechi
Crowdedness 軽庫娘の契約者 Bond with Keikumusume
Crowdedness サラの契約者 Bond with Sara
Crowdedness 二之宮花の契約者 Bond with HanaNinomiya
Crowdedness 白石奈々の契約者 Bond with NanaShiraishi
Crowdedness 小鳥遊雛田の契約者 Bond with HinataTakanashi
Crowdedness 五十嵐陽菜の契約者 Bond with HarunaIgarashi
Crowdedness 涼宮杏樹の契約者 Bond with AnjuSuzumiya
Crowdedness ジョセフの契約者 Bond with Joseph
Crowdedness 斎藤治の契約者 Bond with OsamuSaitou
Crowdedness 北見紗和子の契約者 Bond with SawakoKitami
Crowdedness エインの契約者 Bond with Ein
Crowdedness 雛桃の契約者 Bond with MomoHina
Crowdedness 月見山の契約者 Bond with ZanTsukimi
Crowdedness 藤本キララの契約者 Bond with KiraraFujimoto
Crowdedness かぐや姫の契約者 Bond with Kaguyahime
Crowdedness 如月蓮の契約者 Bond with RenKisaragi
Crowdedness 石原碓海の契約者 Bond with UsumiIshihara
Crowdedness エリサの契約者 Bond with Eliisa
Crowdedness 寺崎千穂理の契約者 Bond with ChihoriTerasaki
Crowdedness 福姫の契約者 Bond with FuJi
Crowdedness 七夕の契約者 Bond with QiXi
Crowdedness 七海礼奈の契約者 Bond with ReinaNanami
Crowdedness A-37の契約者 Bond with A-37
Crowdedness 姫川響の契約者 Bond with HibikiHimekawa
Crowdedness ライアンの契約者 Bond with Ryan
Crowdedness 森川綾子の契約者 Bond with AyakoMorikawa
Crowdedness 滝川夏彦の契約者 Bond with NatsuhikoTakigawa
Crowdedness 小野寺七羽の契約者 Bond with NanahaOnodera
Crowdedness サミールの契約者 Bond with Sammir
Crowdedness ゆずの契約者 Bond with Yuzu
Crowdedness ゼクスの契約者 Bond with Zechs
Crowdedness 四宮冬実の契約者 Bond with FuyumiShinomiya
Crowdedness セイランの契約者 Bond with QingLuan
Crowdedness 如月彩音の契約者 Bond with AyaneKisaragi
Crowdedness 未来の契約者 Bond with Mirai
Crowdedness 嵐星の契約者 Bond with Ransei
Crowdedness リンの契約者 Bond with Ling
Crowdedness ハンナの契約者 Bond with Hannah
Crowdedness ムーサの契約者 Bond with Musa
Crowdedness イブの契約者 Bond with EveKrist
Crowdedness 玖辻の契約者 Bond with Kutsuji
Crowdedness 琳琅の契約者 Bond with LinLang
Crowdedness 袁楓の契約者 Bond with YuanFeng
Crowdedness 一姫の守護者 Unlock all endings in Ichihime's Story Protector of Ichihime
Crowdedness 二階堂美樹の守護者 Unlock all endings in MikiNikaidou's Story Protector of Miki Nikaidou
Crowdedness 涼宮杏樹の守護者 Unlock all endings in AnjuSuzumiya's Story Protector of Anju Suzumiya
Crowdedness ジョセフの守護者 Unlock all endings in Joseph's Story Protector of Joseph
Crowdedness 相原舞の守護者 Unlock all endings in MaiAihara's Story Protector of Mai Aihara
Crowdedness 一ノ瀬空の守護者 Unlock all endings in SoraIchinose's Story Protector of Sora Ichinose
Crowdedness 撫子の守護者 Unlock all endings in Nadeshiko's Story Protector of Nadeshiko
Crowdedness 明智英樹の守護者 Unlock all endings in HidekiAkechi's Story Protector of Hideki Akechi
Crowdedness サラの守護者 Unlock all endings in Sara's Story Protector of Sara
Crowdedness 藤田佳奈の守護者 Unlock all endings in KanaFujita's Story Protector of Kana Fujita
Crowdedness 二之宮花の守護者 Unlock all endings in HanaNinomiya's Story Protector of Hana Ninomiya
Crowdedness 三上千織の守護者 Unlock all endings in ChioriMikami's Story Protector of Chiori Mikami
Crowdedness 白石奈々の守護者 Unlock all endings in NanaShiraishi's Story Protector of Nana Shiraishi
Crowdedness エインの守護者 Unlock all endings in Ein's Story Protector of Ein
Crowdedness 九条璃雨の守護者 Unlock all endings in RiuKujou's Story Protector of Riu Kujou