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Sometimes, we pretend to have options just to reassure ourselves that we actually have a choice.


In this situation, of course I'll choose to stay with Raven. Besides, I don't know the person on the other side. No matter how I look at it, he doesn't really want to help me. He just wants to use me as a weapon in his fight with Soumu. [player]Sorry, I've already agreed to work with Raven. The people around me become excited after I tactfully reject the other person. The guy with slicked back hair and the guy with side part hair, who were playing mahjong with Soumu last time, are unable to contain their excitement and rush to the middle of the road. [Guy with Slicked Back Hair]Hey, why are you guys from Strix still here? [Guy with Side Part Hair]Our boss told you to get lost. [Guy with Slicked Back Hair]Well? Why haven't you left yet? Are you looking for a fight? Bring it on then. We're not afraid of you! I begin to worry that they really will start fighting, but Shijukara seems to know what I'm thinking and comes over to comfort me. I can see Soumu take a deep sigh beside me. Shijukara really needs to learn to be more astute. Soumu pats my shoulder and motions for me to have a talk with him inside. On our way to the room, I remember the shocked expression that Shijukara made when he heard my name earlier. This is the perfect timing to ask him about it. [player]When you guys talk about me and Ciri, what do you usually call me? [player]You rely on these two common nicknames to identify us? [Shijukara]Of course we can. In our line of business, we call each other by our nicknames instead of our real names. For example, everyone calls me Shijukara, and nobody knows that my real name is Shijukawa. [player]Oh, well I know your real name now, Shijukawa. [Shijukara]... ¥%……&&*! After a moment of stunned silence, Shijukara starts swearing. Kids these days. How can they just reveal your real name when you have a nickname. You have no safety awareness at all. There's no one in the mahjong dojo today, probably because they were scared away by the big scene at the door just now. Soumu walks over to a sofa and sits down casually. [Soumu]Sit wherever you want. [player]Oh, sure. [Ciri]Thanks. [Soumu]I know the place on that map. [player]Oh? [Soumu]When my men only found bits and pieces of information after searching all day, I guessed that this incident might be related to those people. [Ciri]Who are you talking about? [Soumu]Yu. [player]Yu? [Soumu]Look carefully at the map. Ciri and I take the map Soumu hands back to us and look at it carefully. On the map, we see that the word "Yu" has been circled in red next to the name of the club. However, because Ju's handwriting is so illegible that we mistook it for a simple pattern. [Soumu]Yu is the largest and most mysterious organization in One Han City, and its scope of influence exceeds your wildest imagination. It's because this organization is protecting this wildlife trafficking organization that it has been able to run wild in my territory for so long without being caught, hmph. [Soumu]I don't know where you got this piece of information from, but judging from the information we found, I'm pretty sure it's true. [player]Then will you help us? [Soumu]Yes, of course I will. After all, making trouble for Yu is what I like to do the most. Is this the hobby of a gang leader? I don't understand it at all. Although I'm shocked, I think it's a good thing that he's willing to help us. [Soumu]However, we probably won't be able to save those animals today. According to our experiences in past dealings with them, they should be guarding the animals heavily right now. If we break in forcefully, they might destroy the evidence. [player]What do you mean by "destroy the evidence"? [Soumu]For example... they might burn down the warehouse. Do you understand what I'm saying? [player]I understand. When would be a good time to go? Soumu doesn't answer my question. Instead, he shouts at someone outside. [Soumu]Ryou. [Guy with Slicked Back Hair]Boss, you called for me? Ther guy with slicked back hair who was arguing outside came back at some point and has been standing outside the door. [Soumu]Tell them what you found out. [Guy with Slicked Back Hair]Yes. Our brothers learned that a warehouse in the east side of the city was very noisy last night. When they went there, they saw that it was extremely tightly guarded. When this happens, it usually means something fishy is going on, so they staked out the place for a while. [Guy with Slicked Back Hair]After that, we learned that they change shifts at eight in the morning. This is also when things get more chaotic and their defenses become weaker. [Soumu]The warehouse they found is behind the club on the map. Tomorrow morning, I'll send some men to go there with you. After hearing him say that he'll send some men to go with us, I look at Shijukara next to me. After all, we got to know each other pretty well after our fight and even learned each other's real names. We can almost be considered old friends now. [Soumu]Not this piece of trash. [player]Huh? Soumu looks at someone in the corner, then a young boy who looks really thin stands up in the corner. [Soumu]This kid is called Oumu, and his greatest skill is lock picking. There's no lock in One Han City that he can't open. [Soumu]Tomorrow morning, you'll sneak in with Oumu when they change shifts. After that, Shijukara will sow confusion outside to divert their attention. [Soumu]Once you find the animals you want to take with you, send us a message, and someone will pick you up outside. The plan sounds simple, but if you think about it carefully, you'll realize that the process is not simple at all, and things can go wrong at every step. Soumu doesn't seem to have considered that an ordinary, harmless, and kind citizen like me might not have certain abilities. Ciri pats my shoulder, and her warm palm calms me down a little. Fortunately, I still have an amazing teammate with me. I'll let Ciri and the people from Raven work out the details of the action we'll take later. Unlike me, she seems to be a natural at this type of thing. Heroine, how do you manage to switch between being a heroine and a banditess so easily? On my way home from Raven, I meet a girl whose coat collar is turned up so high that it covers half her face. She walks up to me and hands me a note without saying anything, then she leaves. Why is everyone using paper notes today? What's so special about it today? I really want to show Ju this so he will know how important it is to have good handwriting. I don't know who wrote this note. Maybe this is a friendly reminder with good intentions, but this one sentence isn't enough for me to find out if there is any deeper meaning. After all, I had only heard about the organization called Yu today. Either way, we better be careful tomorrow.