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Check behind the utility pole


The back side of a utility pole is a classic hiding spot used by stalkers. Let's start by checking this out first! After making repeated comparisons, I focus on a utility pole in the direction we came from, which is on the right side in front of me. [player]Hah! I've got you now! I run over quickly and look behind the utility pole confidently to find... no one there?! [player]I was wrong...? Hmm?! Hearing a sound from the other side, I turn my head quickly to look, but I am too late. All I see is a blurry figure disappearing in front of me. [player]W-Wait up! Don't run! [Hana Ninomiya]Did you catch the person? [player]Why did you come down? [Hana Ninomiya]I was afraid that you'd get into a conflict with that person, so I came down to take a look because I was worried. It looks like you didn't catch her. [player]Sorry, I alerted her by mistake and let her run away. [player]But it doesn't matter. She's someone you know too. I even saved some evidence, so I'll just ask her directly tomorrow about why she is following you. [Hana Ninomiya]She probably won't follow me around anymore today. In that case, PLAYER, you don't need to stand there downstairs. Come up and play mahjong together with me. [player]I guess you're right... The next day, I go to school with Ninomiya to meet the stalker with the kunai I picked up outside the restaurant. [Ransei]I was so completely focused on evacuating at that time. I can't believe I left behind such a crucial clue. I'm too careless. The night before, I called Ransei after looking at the family emblem on the kunai to ask her about the incident, and she honestly admitted that she had been following Hana Ninomiya around. I plan to ask her about her reasons in person today. [Hana Ninomiya]Ransei, so you're the person who has been following me around? Judging from Hana Ninomiya's expression, she is somewhat relieved to find out that the person following her is an acquaintance, but her doubts haven't disappeared completely. [player]What gave you the idea to follow Ninomiya around? [Ransei]Master, have you heard of the rumor about "three-player mahjong?" [Hana Ninomiya]T-Three-player mahjong... [player]Are you referring to the rumor related to Ninomiya? [Ransei]Yes. I'm ashamed to say that I'm also one of the rumored victims who were completely crushed by Ninomiya-senpai in mahjong. [Ransei]I still remember that match like it just happened... [Hana Ninomiya]It was just last week. Why are you making it sound like it happened ages ago... [Ransei]I still can't forget that crushing defeat I suffered that day. Ransei clenches the kunai in her hands as she speaks. It looks like she is quite unhappy about her loss. [player]So you have been following her around to find a chance to get revenge? [Ransei]No, I'm very aware that I'm currently no match for Ninomiya-senpai who is an expert in concealment techniques. [Ransei]I won't be able to defeat her unless I attain the same level of mastery in concealment techniques. [Hana Ninomiya]What's this about concealment techniques... I don't remember having a skill like that. [player]I'll explain for you. I think she is referring to your transparency constitution. [Ransei]Constitution?! D-Doesn't that mean senpai's ability is a forbidden technique inherited by blood? Then... I'll never be able to learn it. [Hana Ninomiya]...PLAYER, please translate. [player]Sorry, there's nothing I can do to help you. Ransei is trying to understand Hana Ninomiya's special constitution with her own worldview. Trying to explain things will only make it more complicated, so I'll just let her think she's right. [player]Anyway, you're allowed to train, but it's best if your training doesn't affect other people. [player]I told you this on the phone last night. Ninomiya has been feeling uneasy because you've been following her. I think you should say something to her, Ransei. [Ransei]I'm so sorry, Ninomiya-senpai! I thought I had concealed myself very well, but I was unable to escape your notice and caused you distress. Seeing Ransei bow down to her while apologizing makes Hana Ninomiya rub the hair next to her ears embarrassedly. [Hana Ninomiya]It's okay. Your apology is so solemn... Should I say I should have expected this from your disciple, PLAYER? She has such a serious attitude. [player]Hehe, it's because she has a good teacher. [Ransei]Not only did I fail to outsmart an expert like Ninomiya-senpai, but even Master easily saw through my actions. It seems that I still have a lot to learn before I can become fully independent. [Ransei]Although it is difficult to learn a secret blood inheritance technique, I will use my own methods to improve my tracking techniques. At the very least, I will try not to let you find out next time, Master! In that case, I'll be leaving now to continue my training. Farewell! With these words, Ransei disappears in the blink of an eye. [player]Did she really understand what I said to her...? Don't tell me she will start to follow me around instead. Whatever, at least Ransei won't disturb Hana Ninomiya again in the near future, so this stalking incident has been resolved. However... [Hana Ninomiya]In the end, I was targeted because of my transparency constitution and not because I caught anyone's eye... To Hana Ninomiya, this isn't something that makes her happy. I am also only able to say one thing to her about this. [player]Good luck, Hana Ninomiya.