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Are you afraid of taking medicine?


Ein, are you... afraid of taking medicine? Everyone is naturally apprehensive about taking medicine, and some people's reactions are especially obvious. They will keep worrying about when they will need to take medicine, and their emotions will overwhelm them, making them subconsciously want to escape the hospital. This is true even for a strong young man like Ein. When I see the look of surprise in Ein's eyes after I say this, I'm instantly sure that I'm right. Me? Afraid of taking medicine? You are very reluctant to use a medicinal product like a hair growth serum or see a doctor even though you aren't very stubborn by nature. After thinking about it, the only possible explanation is that you have a fear of hospitals. ... It seems that I might have hit the nail on the head. Ein lowers his head and doesn't say anything. I feel a little bad seeing him huddled quietly on the chair when he is usually so lively and cheerful, but I still insist on taking him to see a doctor, so I try to comfort him by patting his shoulder. Ahhh! You gave me a fright when you raised your head like that! PLAYER, listen to me. There's something I've been wanting to tell you. Ding-dong! The mechanical female voice at the help desk speaks suddenly, interrupting Ein's words. One hour and thirty-seven minutes after registering at the hospital, it's finally our turn. Number 113, Ein, please go to dermatology specialist consultation room 3 now. It's your turn, Ein. Let's go and see the doctor first, then I'll listen carefully to what you want to tell me. The dermatologist who is seeing Ein is a male doctor in his fifties, and his expressionless face makes him look imposing. The nameplate with the words "Chief Doctor" on it makes him look even more authoritative and reliable. The most important thing is that he has a head of thick, black hair. When did you notice that you were shedding fur? About a week ago... some fur had shed from my tail... Did you experience any strange sensations, such as itchiness or pain, at the site of fur loss before it happened? In the last few months before shedding fur, did you take any medicines or health products, such as vitamins or calcium tablets? No, everything has been normal, and I eat a mixture of meat and vegetables in all three meals of the day. Everything is regular. Have you experienced symptoms of insomnia, dizziness, or tinnitus recently? Do you have any problems, such as back pain, cold hands or feet, or fatigue when getting up in the morning, in daily life? Not at all. I'm very healthy. Please don't take offense at this, but have any elders in your family experienced similar frequent fur loss? ...Heaven forbid, please don't let my parents hear that. Time passes quickly while the doctor asks questions, and the doctor's expression gradually becomes serious. The handwriting on the medical record is nearly indecipherable, but the number of lines written gives me a rough idea of the situation. It looks like Ein's condition is quite serious... Now that we've basically ruled out the conditions that may cause your fur loss, I'll need to examine the site of fur loss. Please enter the examination room inside, lie down on the bed, and expose your tail. Th-That doesn't seem necessary. Ein, who is already somewhat reluctant, refuses instantly with little hesitation, which makes the doctor look unhappily at him like I expected. Seeing the stalemate between them in the examination room, I resign myself to my fate and try to smooth things over between them.