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The Autumn Wind Blows Day Day.2-2

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The Autumn Wind Blows The Autumn Wind Blows Day Day.2-2 The Autumn Wind Blows Day Day.2-2 "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"
The only response Nadeshiko gets is the buzzing of the walkie-talkie, which is a constant reminder that she was out of the communication range of the motorcade.
Judging from the time on her watch, by this time, she should have already driven freely for some time and should be about to meet the other members of the motorcade at a gas station on a certain national highway for a drive around the city.
Unfortunately, she had a weak GPS signal and accidentally drove down the wrong road at a fork.
After another unsuccessful attempt to contact her teammates, Nadeshiko puts down the walkie-talkie.
At this moment, her motorcycle is parked quietly among the overgrown mountains and fields, its metal body forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding scenery. She and her motorcycle are like uninvited trespassing guests, who are tolerated despite their differences.
The cool mountain breeze fills Nadeshiko's nose with the refreshing fragrance of soil and weeds. She squints and looks around her, becoming even more certain that she is currently on a "wild highway" that has been built by locals and is not recorded in the GPS system.
Before they set off, the leader of the team said in the training that being on a "wild highway" is one of the most common "dangerous situations" one can encounter when driving in suburban areas, and that this refers to when a person deviates from the route for whatever reason and enters an unfamiliar road that is not within the driving range and is not recorded in the GPS system.
Because the road conditions are unknown, it may be dangerous to drive too far along the road.
Well, if I think about it like that, isn't that quite...
Nadeshiko's eyes light up with excitement. She has made up her mind and starts up her motorcycle.
The deep roaring of the engine seems to respond to her mood. As if she has finally arrived at a hunting ground she is passionate about, Nadeshiko and her motorcycle are re-energized after feeling dejected for several days.
"...This trip is finally getting interesting!"
This is Nadeshiko's first time participating in a large-scale motorcycle tour like this.
The organizer brought together ten young riders from One Han City for a three-day drive around the city.
Nadeshiko was also excited and thrilled about this tour before leaving, but she found out along the way that the team was filled with racing enthusiasts who had a fanatical pursuit of skill. She also found the routine scenic photo-taking route to be boring and formalistic... The combination of factors made her increasingly sure of her feelings.
"This isn't the motorcycle trip I wanted."
That's what Nadeshiko thought to herself at that time, but she hadn't found what she wanted yet.
Until now.
As Nadeshiko drives along the unknown road, the bumpy earth and overgrown bushes and trees on both sides of the road prove to her that this wasn't a well-maintained road. It is for this very reason that this road has charming scenery that changes constantly along the ride. Riding here, she can choose to slow down because she doesn't need to arrive at a certain place "on time" like she usually has to when commuting in the city. She also doesn't need to socialize with people too much and can fully devote herself to nature.
Nadeshiko is intoxicated by this experience and keeps moving forward until she hears an AI prompt.
"You have deviated from the route. Re-routing."
The GPS signal has recovered.
Nadeshiko returns to her senses and realizes that she has driven through the entire mountain road. She can even see traces of man-made buildings again in the surroundings. The fork that took her around in circles has led her back to a place inhabited by people.
The channel on the walkie-talkie becomes lively again, and her mobile phone beeps constantly with notifications of messages sent by her concerned teammates asking about her location and situation. As Nadeshiko looks at the messages on the screen, she feels all her negative feelings about this tour disappear.
Everyone falls in love with motorcycles and traveling for different reasons. The most important thing is to find out why you started.
"Don't worry, I'll be there soon."
She puts down the walkie-talkie and hops on her motorcycle. She then honks her horn three times to bid farewell to the wilderness behind her.
"Don't worry, I'll be back!"