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[player]I've decided. I want to know more about Kurone Toujou... Or rather, I want to know more about me.
Kutsuji doesn't seem surprised by my decision. He laughs and then motions for me to watch Kurone Toujou carefully.
[Kutsuji]Do you notice anything different about Kurone Toujou today compared with when you met her a few days ago?
His question catches me off guard. To be honest, I can only see her figure vaguely from this distance. Moreover, when I met Kurone Toujou the other day, there was a screen between us when we chatted, so I don't have enough information to make a comparison.
But if I had to comment on this, there are still some differences.
The Kurone Toujou who is parading through the street right now seems to only have one tail, but I seem to remember seeing several tails waving around behind the screen that day.
[player]My eyes might have been playing tricks on me, but I have a strong feeling that Kurone Toujou had more than one tail that day. However... there was a screen between us, so what I saw might have been the shadows of other decorations.
Kutsuji looks very calm and composed when he hears what I say, as if he isn't surprised at all.
[Kutsuji]Have you heard the legend of the nine-tailed fox?
[player]It depends on which version you're referring to. There are so many different stories about a legendary mythical creature like the nine-tailed fox.
[player]The tales about her range from her being a demoness that brings calamity to countries to her being a ninjutsu energy source. I could talk about her for more than one day if you don't define the range.
[Kutsuji]Whoa, you're more knowledgeable than I expected. Now I'm getting more and more curious about your browser history. You should show me when you have time.
I recall my recent searches and think that there's no way I will show them to him... Wait, what I searched doesn't matter at all. The question is, why should I show him my browser history in the first place?!
[player]No, I refuse.
[Kutsuji]Fine, it doesn't matter. I'll get an opportunity one day.
[Kutsuji]The specific version I'm referring to is One Han City's legend of the nine-tailed fox. Have you heard this version before?
[player]No, not that one. I didn't even know One Han City had its own version.
[Kutsuji]Actually, there has always been a group of people in One Han City who firmly believe that the nine-tailed fox in the legends exists. They created a secret organization for the nine-tailed fox and started worshipping her.
[Kutsuji]In the version of the legend they believe in, the nine-tailed fox really is a demoness who brings calamity to countries, but only because human beings have committed an unforgivable crime.
[Kutsuji]The nine-tailed fox is resurrected whenever an era changes to subvert the old era and lead its followers to usher in a new era.
[player]So are you saying that Kurone Toujou is the nine-tailed fox?
[Kutsuji]I'm not sure. She may or may not. Kurone Toujou and the legendary nine-tailed fox do share some traits, but they are not exactly the same.
[player]Haha, don't tell me she hasn't fully evolved yet and is in an incomplete form.
[Kutsuji]You might be right.
I look at the serious look on Kutsuji's face. When I realize that he doesn't seem to be joking, the smile freezes on my face. If this is true and the nine-tailed fox is watching me... I can't even imagine what will happen next.
[player]Am I in any danger?
Upon hearing this, Kutsuji fumbles through the pocket of his coat for a long time before pulling out a card and handing it to me. I take a look at it nervously and see that it is an introduction of Strix's business scope... For a while, I'm lost for words and don't know what I should complain about first.
[Kutsuji]From the moment you chose to ask about Kurone Toujou, the transaction we just had counts as the first transaction, and there will be a second or third transaction after that. In short, the doors of Strix will always be open to you in the future.
I look at him in response to his words and note that he is looking at me with a gentle smile, without showing any signs of ridiculing or teasing me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kurone Toujou walk slowly on the street behind him. Her gorgeous figure is now a huge mystery in my eyes.
I know that I'll also become part of the mystery when Kutsuji and I reach this kind of agreement. I might eventually learn the truth after a painstaking investigation, or I might be swallowed by the mystery due to my incompetence.
One Han City isn't as calm as I think. Many people have told me this. Now, it's up to me to see just how turbulent it is for myself.
I put the card in my bag and nod at Kutsuji.
He hands me a cup he has filled with tea, then he raises another cup and clinks it against my cup.
[Kutsuji]Let's gaze into the abyss together.