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[Riu Kujou] I'm Riu Kujou. As you can see, I'm a maid. [Riu Kujou] I'm 19 years old. [Riu Kujou] ...My hobbies? ...Do I have to say that? Umm... this is really awkward... [Riu Kujou] Hey, PLAYER... Can we skip this part? [-] Riu Kujou rubs her stiff face and shifts her gaze from the lens pointing right at her and looks irritably at me filming her with the action camera. [-] Great, the tenth filming attempt is now also a failure. [-] Don't rush, don't rush... Filming a video is different from playing mahjong--it's not a big deal to start over since there are no point limitations... I comfort myself as I put down the action camera and point at the interview outline that I've almost torn to pieces after flipping through it so many times. [player] I'm afraid we can't, Riu. Your self-introduction is a crucial part of this interview. On that day, Chihori Terasaki specifically indicated that this part must be completed or else it won't count. [Riu Kujou] Sigh... geez... I must have lost my mind... Why did I agree to something like this...? [-] Why did she agree to this? To find out, we'll need to revisit what happened three days ago. [Riu Kujou] ...An interview? [Chihori Terasaki] Yes. [Riu Kujou] Have you made a mistake? I'm not a celebrity. I'm just a maid. [Chihori Terasaki] I'm doing a special report on modern professional maids this time. I've heard a lot about you from PLAYER, who tells me you're an exceptional maid. [-] Chihori Terasaki looks at me next to her as she says this, and I nod in response. [Riu Kujou] Riu really is the most amazing maid I've ever met. [Chihori Terasaki] I've come because I want to interview you. What do you say? [Riu Kujou] Thanks, but it'll probably disrupt the daily schedule that Miss Chiori and I follow... You should ask someone else. [Chihori Terasaki] I won't make you do this for free. This will be your pay. [-] As if she already expected that she would be rejected, Chihori Terasaki calmly takes out a photo of a plushie and pushes it in front of Riu Kujou. [Riu Kujou] Oh my!!! Isn't this... [Chihori Terasaki] I've heard that you have a habit of collecting teddy bears. Although this teddy is no longer available on the market, my friend just gave me one. It'll be yours if you agree to do the interview. [Riu Kujou] ... [-] Riu Kujou makes an extremely tempted expression. [Riu Kujou] ...What do I need to do for the interview? [Chihori Terasaki] Haha, you won't need to do anything difficult. I mainly want to know what the life of a maid is really like, so I want my reporter to follow you around for one day. [Chihori Terasaki] Don't worry, we'll make sure to hide anything that will give away your address and location, and all materials will be used with your consent. [player] Wow... that sounds sooo reassuring. [Riu Kujou] But just the idea of being followed and filmed by a stranger for one day is a little... [player] Hmm... it's unsettling just thinking about it... [Chihori Terasaki] I understand. [Chihori Terasaki] Well, this wouldn't be a problem if the reporter who follows you is someone who you and Miss Mikami already know, right? [Riu Kujou] Someone we already know...? [player] I see! If you know the person doing the filming, it won't be awkward anymore since it isn't a stranger... Huh? Why are you both looking at me? [player] Wait! Hold on! Are you both thinking what I'm thinking? [player] ...Huh?! [-] In the end, I was given the important task of following and filming Riu Kujou for one day. [-] Correspondingly, since Chihori Terasaki wouldn't be able to get one of her reporters to follow and film Riu Kujou, she proposed that she would decide whether to give Riu Kujou the teddy bear after reviewing the quality of the filmed content. [Riu Kujou] Sigh... I thought it would be really easy, but there's actually such a formal interview element to complete. [player] Yes... [-] Looking back at the past few failed recording sessions, the first time was because Riu Kujou spoke too softly, the second time was because she didn't remember the interview questions and kept looking at the little card in her hand, and the third time was because she got too nervous and said she wasn't nervous... Without realizing it, we had already spent an hour on the opening self-introduction. [player] Everything is difficult at the beginning. Stick with it for the teddy bear, Riu! [Riu Kujou] You're right... it's not like me at all to be so depressed. Ahem, I'm ready. Let's try again! [player] Okay! [-] I adjust the machine and start filming again. [Riu Kujou] I'm Riu Kujou. As you can see, I'm a... ARGHH! It's not working! [Riu Kujou] ...This isn't working... When I look at the lens, I feel like someone is controlling my body, then I forget the lines I've prepared, and my mind goes blank... [-] Riu Kujou's face is still bright red, so we can't continue filming anymore, and my head starts to hurt when I look at the lines prepared for the interview. How should I go about this now?