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I just really care about Ichihime's wellbeing. Definitely not interested in any gossip!


I've known Ichihime for a long time but she has never been like this. I need to make sure she is fine. I knocked on Ichihime's door. To my surprise, she didn't let me in, but opened the door slightly and looked at me warily. [Ichihime]Master? [player]Ichihime, is everything alright? [Ichihime]Nyaa? Ichihime doesn't know what you are talking about, Master. [player]You look like something's been bothering you. If you don't mind, you can talk to me about it. [Ichihime]Ichihime is fine, I only want to sleep. Don't worry, master! You should go, nyaa! Ichihime closed her door. It seemed she didn't want to talk to me. I had no choice but to give up investigating. I never thought that over the next few days, Ichihime's situation didn't improve but got worse. I even saw a lot of dirt on her clothes once when she rushed into the room. Given that she didn't want to explain to us, I decided to follow her secretly to find out what she had been doing. I pretended to be chatting with Wanjirou in the garden of Mahjong Soul Shrine. When we saw Ichihime sneaking out, Wanjirou and I exchanged looks and followed her stealthily. Central Park Ichihime didn't go to anywhere remote. Instead, she came to the central park. It was a very busy place with lots of children playing every day. However, she didn't play with the kids in the sandpit but watched them from the bush behind the bench instead.//nWe were too far away and could not see the look on her face. A football suddenly flew over and hit Ichihime's head hard. [Ichihime]Nyaa— Frightened Ichihime jumped out of the bush and bumped into the boy who was trying to pick up the ball. [Boy A]Woah—the monster has come again! Hearing his screams, the boy's friends gathered over. [Ichihime]I am not a monster! [Girl A]Look at her ears and tail! Does she remind you of the man-eating cat monster? [Boy B]Argh—so scary! All the kids immediately ran away, screaming. A few bold ones even picked up stones from the ground and threw at Ichihime. Wanjirou and I rushed over to help Ichihime leave the central park. Mahjong Soul Shrine After returning to Mahjong Soul Shrine, I felt that Ichihime's recent behaviors probably had something to do with what happened today, so I followed Ichihime to her room. [player]Ichihime, do you know what the man-eater cat monster was all about? [Ichihime]Recently, there was this strange website-nyaa... It said a man-eating cat monster appeared in the central park, and posted an image that looked really like Ichihime. Ichihime opened a website on my phone as she spoke. Looked really like...? That was just a photo of Ichihime herself!!!//nThe photo looked like a sneak shot taken in the central park. There were also some notes about the cat monster written in red. It was very suspicious. [player]Did you go to the central park because of this rumor? [Ichihime]Nyaa... Ichihime is a priestess. How can I just sit and watch the cat monster hurt innocent people? I was hiding in the park, trying to protect them, but I never thought... [player]You never thought that they could mistaken you for the monster cat. [Ichihime]Master... I saw grievance and resentment from Ichihime's eyes.//nThis incident was definitely planned and I must investigate. But what should I do? It's time to bring my great friends