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I decide to sweet talk this young lady into showing herself. So I do my best and, in the gentlest tone possible, speak toward the place she's hiding... [player]I bet that the world's most beautiful, adorable, totally perfect genius is hiding over there - Miss Chiori Mikami! [???]... ... Chiori Mikami doesn't take the bait, and actually moves farther away. I try my very best, but to no avail. Bewildered, all I can do is head back. Luckily I discover that, although she won't come out, as long as I keep moving, she'll keep following me in secret. As soon as I've worked this out, I simply inform Riu Kujou and then head straight for Chiori Mikami's house. By the time I arrive, Riu Kujou is already waiting at the door. I shoot Riu Kujou a look, then hear a "whoosh" noise as a figure darts past so fast I can't get a good look at them. The door slams shut with a bang. [player]Chiori? [Chiori Mikami]No Chiori here! You're mistaken! ...She must be fine, moving that quickly, with that firm voice, right? I exchange a look with Riu Kujou. However, it's clear that Chiori Mikami has decided not to see me today and, with Riu Kujou's persuasion, I leave in confusion. The next day The next day, I once again see the unbeatable Chiori Mikami at the Mahjong Soul Shrine, accompanied by Riu Kujou. I think back on yesterday's unfinished business, and quietly approach Riu to ask how things went after I left. [Riu Kujou]Oh, you're still thinking of that? That's good of you. [Riu Kujou]The matter's closed, but you still need to keep the existence of the scoundrel a secret from Miss Chiori, understand? [player]Mmhmm, got it. Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut. [Riu Kujou]Good. I didn't expect Riu Kujou to get to the bottom of it all in just one day. Under the strictest confidence of the maid, this tale of Chiori Mikami will remain a secret to me forever.