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Look for Tubby inside the Temple of Moons


Look for Tubby inside the Temple of Moons Mai Aihara and I arrived at the Mahjong parlor in the Temple of Moons. [???]Is that you, Mai? Have you finished tidying up the garden? The mahjong parlor is in business, and two regular customers sitting near the door greet us warmly when they see us walking in. Apparently, the elderly of the vicinity often come here for a walk because of the wonderful environment of the shrine. To give the elderly a place to rest, Mai emptied the small room next to the shrine to make it a lounge for them. After that, the elderly proposed to put a few mahjong tables in the room for their entertainment and to generate more income for the shrine. Mai agreed, so she changed the room into a mahjong parlor, which has been in business since then. [Elderly Man]We're waiting for someone. Mai, how about you play a few rounds with us? [Mai Aihara]S-sorry...! I'm a little busy right now. How about next time? [Elderly Woman]Oh? You look a little distressed. [Elderly Man]You can tell me about it if you want. Maybe I can help. Most of the elderly who play mahjong here watched Mai grow up and have always been very kind to this girl who is like a granddaughter to them. [player]Um... have you seen Tubby? [Elderly Man]Tubby? That fat cat? No, I haven't. I've been here by the door the whole time, so I would have noticed if a cat passed by. What? Is Tubby missing? [Mai Aihara]Yes... I don't know where he's gone to or whether he is in any danger. [Elderly Woman]Mai, maybe you can take a look at the nearby animal shelter? I heard my son mention that someone has been giving canned food to stray cats and dogs there recently. [Mai Aihara]Canned food? Tubby loves that. He might actually be there! Thank you both! I'll go there right now. [Elderly Man]You're welcome. You take such good care of us all the time. In particular, this mahjong parlor has helped me pass a lot of time. [Elderly Woman]The old man is right. You're like a granddaughter to us, so you can always tell us if anything is troubling you. Granny is always here for you if someone bullies you. [player]With such reliable elders who dote on her, I believe no one will dare to bully her. [Elderly Woman]Hehe, the young one has a sweet tongue. [Elderly Man]A sweet tongue isn't enough without helping out. [Mai Aihara]Master has been taking good care of Mai and just helped me clean the courtyard. Now Master is helping me search for Tubby. [Elderly Man]It doesn't mean much until you find Tubby. Don't worry, Mai, grandpa will help you search for Tubby as well. I'm sure I'm more reliable than these young whippersnappers—OUCH! Why did you pinch me? [Elderly Woman]Save yourself the trouble and stop getting in the way of young people. Mai, just go and do what you need to do. [Mai Aihara]Okay, take care and have fun then. We'll go to the animal shelter now. [player]Don't worry, old man, maybe we'll find Tubby before you finish a Hanchan. [Elderly Man]All talk and no... Argh! Stop pinching me, you old hag! I'll shut up, okay? Just go... A large group of cats is gathering around the meal trays at the animal shelter, meowing constantly as they eat. Mai and I enter this "car paradise" with the staff's permission. [player]There are many cats here... but I don't see Tubby among them. Tubby should be quite conspicuous among stray cats with its chubby figure, so I quickly come to the conclusion that Tubby isn't there. However, Mai is not willing to give up so soon. she calls Tubby's name a few times, hoping he will appear. [Mai Aihara]Tubby! Tubby! Stop playing hide and seek! I'm worried sick about you. Tubby! [Mai Aihara]Master... I don't think Tubby is here. I pat her shoulder gently because I can see her getting more and more depressed. [player]There are still many places that cats would go to. Let's look around nearby. But we can't search aimlessly. It would be best to find some other clues. [Mai Aihara]Master... Although Tubby isn't here right now, is it possible that he has finished eating and left? Should we ask the staff? [player]That's a good idea, but so many cats come here to eat every day... would they remember? [player]...We can still try though. Mai, do you have a photo of Tubby on your phone? Tubby is so conspicuous, we might really be able to find some clues if you show them his photo. We show Tubby's photo to the staff at the rescue station and are fortunate enough to find some clues. [Staff]Oh! This chubby cat came here today. He seemed to have gone to play in the commercial strip after eating his fill. [Mai Aihara]R-really? Thank you! Um, well, the cost of the food... [Staff]Don't worry about that. You're the priestess of the Temple of Moons, right? The neighbors here say that things seem to get better if they pray at your shrine when they are down on their luck. [Staff]Just treat the cat food as a donation. [Mai Aihara]E-even if I have helped anyone... that's my duty as the priestess. It shouldn't be like that. [player]Haha! [Mai Aihara]Eh... Master, why are you laughing? Did I say something strange? [player]No, it's nothing. Mai, you're right. You're a very principled person. [Staff]Haha, you're such a serious and adorable person. The staff beside us also starts laughing because of our conversation. It's really like what he said, the way how Mai treats people so seriously is a little ditzy and cute. [Mai Aihara]Master, did I really say nothing strange? [player]No, I guarantee you didn't. Let's go to the commercial strip now. If we ask around while showing the photo, we should be able to find Tubby soon. [Mai Aihara]Y-yes! Let's go, Master. Excellent, I manage to change the subject. [Shop Employee]This chubby cat did come to our store. I was eating corn at the time, so I fed it some. [Shop Employee]Then I was busy greeting a customer that entered after that, and he had left by the time I turned my head. Sorry, I don't know where he's gone. [Mai Aihara]Please don't say that. I should be the one apologizing because Tubby bothered you. [player]Another dead end... We ask around the commercial strip and follow the passerby's instructions to the shop Tubby had visited, but we seem to be one step too late again. [player]Other places... I can only think of that grill house. I often see cats hanging around there when I pass by. [Mai Aihara]I hope Tubby hasn't left the commercial strip. There are fewer cars here, so he should be safer here... [Shop Employee]Are you leaving now? Are you sure you don't want to pick a few pieces of clothing? Our clothes are high-quality and inexpensive! [Shop Employee]Especially this priestess. You look so lovely—we have lots of clothes that suit you! [player]I'm sorry, you know we're looking for a cat. We'll come again next time. I promise. [Shop Employee]It won't take long—just a few minutes. Let me give you some recommendations. Take a look, this hat just arrived. It's incredibly trendy! The shop employee plops a hat on my head just like that. When I look in the mirror, I see a hat with two fluffy decorations that resembled Wanjirou's ears on the brim. It looks like a hat people would wear to play a prank. [Mai Aihara]Oh, I've seen this hat in a magazine. It looks surprisingly good on you, Master. [player]Is this hat really popular right now? Well... I actually quite like it. H-hold on, didn't I just say we were busy? It won't be convenient to be carrying something right now. I'll come again another day after we find the cat. [Shop Employee]Customer! If you see something you like, you've got to buy it now! We happen to be doing a promotion right now, so you can get this hat for a special price! [player]Ha... haha... Don't tell me that I can probably get anything I like for a special price... After saying that, I grab Mai and run away from the enthusiastic employee and that shop. Sometimes, social anxiety is caused by "social terrorists"... Unfortunately, we don't manage to find any clues at the grill house after that. [Mai Aihara]Master, Miss Nanami's café is nearby. You've been so busy all afternoon and haven't had a chance to drink anything. Do you want to have a drink and take a break there, or do you want to rest back at the shrine and see if Tubby has returned at the same time? [Mai Aihara]Maybe... Maybe Tubby is just hiding somewhere and taking a nap. It would be great if that's the case... Mai and I are exhausted after running around all afternoon looking for Tubby. She seems to notice my exhaustion while we were sitting on a bench by the street, so she makes a gentle suggestion. I want to say I don't need to, but I see her apologetic eyes and feel that she would definitely feel guilty if I forced myself to continue at this time.