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2 Han

2 Hanの役

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Han: 2 Han
Han Title imageTile Jade玉四
2 Han 三色同順

Win a hand with three Sequences with the same numbers out of three different Number Tiles (i.e. 123-Man, 123-Pin, 123-Sou)

2 Han 七対子

Win a hand with seven different Pairs

2 Han 対々和

Win a hand with four Triplets or Quads

2 Han 一気通貫

Win a hand with a complete Sequence of 1 through 9 (i.e. 123-Man, 456-Man, 789-Man)

2 Han 混全帯幺九

Win a hand where every Sequence, Triplet and Pair contains at least one Terminal Tile

2 Han 三暗刻

Win a hand with three closed Triplets or closed Quads

2 Han ダブル立直

Declare Riichi with your starting hand before any tiles are called

2 Han 小三元

Win a hand with two Triplets out of the Dragon Tiles (White, Green or Red), plus a Pair of the third Dragon Tile

2 Han 混老頭

Win a hand with only Terminal Tiles (1-Man/9-Man, 1-Pin/9-Pin, 1-Sou/9-Sou, Wind Tiles, and Dragon Tiles)

2 Han 三色同刻

Win a hand with three Triplets with the same number out of the Number Tiles (Man, Pin, Sou)

2 Han 三槓子

Win a hand with three Quads

2 Han ローカル役:五門斉

Win a hand consists of Man, Pin, Sou, Wind, and Dragon tiles

2 Han ローカル役:三連刻

Win a hand with 3 consecutive Triplets