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Suggest that Ciri take the red-crowned crane to a nearby vet.


[player]Why don't we take it to a vet? Ciri shakes her head in response and looks a little emotional. [Ciri]Given the condition of this red-crowned crane, it might have a stress response if it is sent to a vet. [Ciri]Also, I took it to a vet when I first took it in. Although it's a private clinic run by an acquaintance of mine, it is well-equipped and has good medical conditions. That's also where I take Mojito. [Ciri]I was planning to leave it there until it recovers from its injuries before I take it back to its habitat, but I didn't expect it to struggle so much after it saw the vet. We even had to anesthetize it to bandage the wound on its leg. [player]But it looks like it gets along well with you. [Ciri]The vet and I speculate that it doesn't consider me as a human being and is willing to accept my care because I have a strong animal scent, which is why I had to bring it back with me. [Ciri]Also, it's so afraid of humans that I naturally can't bring it back to Soul since there are so many people there. I discovered this courtyard when I was playing with Mojito not too long ago. People rarely come here, so it's a good place for it to recuperate... That's if it really is resting while it's here. Just as I'm at a loss about what to do after hearing Ciri's words, a name suddenly appears in my mind: Qing Luan. No one in this city is more familiar with birds than Qing Luan who is from the spirit bird family. I turn on my mobile phone and confirm the route. Fortunately, Beryl Blue is not very far from our current location. I briefly explain the situation to Ciri and get her agreement, then we carefully bring the red-crowned crane to Beryl Blue where Qing Luan is. The moment we enter Beryl Blue, the red-crowned crane seems to feel a reassuring aura and struggles hard to poke its head out of Ciri's arms. It makes a hoarse cry at the back of the antique store like it is calling for help. Qing Luan frowns when she sees us after hearing the sound but doesn't say much. She just takes the red-crowned crane from Ciri and goes inside. We wanted to follow her, but Yellow Tea chirps non-stop as it dances up and down in front of us, making this strange breathing sound from time to time to stop us. I remember how ferocious Yellow Tea is when it pecks people, so I stop the anxious Ciri. [player]Ciri, let's trust Qing Luan. After waiting outside Beryl Blue for about 10 minutes, Qing Luan walks out. [Qing Luan]You two can relax now as it'll be fine. [player]Thank you, Qing Luan. [Qing Luan]I should be thanking you and your friend instead. If it's okay, can you stay and have a cup of tea? It'll also give me the chance to ask you some questions. Ciri and I exchange a glance and nod before taking a seat at the table. Qing Luan skillfully starts to boil water to make tea, but the atmosphere suddenly becomes quiet because Ciri always acts coldly in front of strangers. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of water boiling in the kettle. I look at the two of them and sigh. I resign myself to my fate and tell Qing Luan a summary of the situation. She nods after I finish and tells us why the red-crowned crane isn't recovering well while handing us teacups. [Qing Luan]I asked that young one about what happened earlier, and the situation is roughly the same as Miss Ciri's speculation. This young one encountered poachers on her way back to its habitat. [Qing Luan]But... [Ciri]Hmm? [Qing Luan]...She wasn't alone at that time. There were two younger children with her. [Qing Luan]She broke free from the hunting net and escaped, but her two children weren't so lucky. After that, she followed the trail of this group all the way to One Han City, but was discovered before she could rescue the children and was seriously injured while she tried to get away from the poachers. [Qing Luan]The reason why Miss Ciri's treatment hasn't been effective these days is that she is so worried about her children that she can't rest in peace. [player]It looks like we'll need to find her two children... Does she know where they are? Qing Luan shakes her head with a deep frown. [player]Then we can only call the police. With Ciri and Qing Luan's permission, I call the police. However, due to the lack of key evidence, the police must start by investigating suspicious gangs that have recently come to or left the city, so they told us to wait patiently for further news. [Ciri]Miss Qing Luan, can you take care of this red-crowned crane for now? [Qing Luan]I was thinking of doing that even if you didn't ask me to. Ciri says goodbye to me after we leave Beryl Blue. When I see her still frowning, I realize that she might not intend to wait for further news from the police. [player]Ciri, you wouldn't be thinking of searching for the little red-crowned cranes yourself, right? [Ciri]Well, looking at how serious the red-crowned crane's injuries are, I can imagine how cruel those people are. I'm worried that the longer we wait, the more danger the little red-crowned cranes will be in. [player]Maybe you should ask some friends to help you. It'll be really hard to find them by yourself in a city as large as One Han City. [player]Hmm? [Ciri]The only friends I have here are all members of Soul. I'm afraid I won't be able to find anyone to help me. [player]You should think carefully again. [Ciri]Think about what? [player]A friend who can help you at any time is standing right here in front of you! [player]Hmm? [player]Is it possible that you don't consider me to be your friend? I'll feel really sad if that's true. [Ciri]No... I already feel really bad for getting you involved in my fight with Raven today. [Ciri]It's only going to be more dangerous than that... You're my friend, so I don't want to get you involved in something this dangerous. [player]But I'm already involved since I know so much about it. I might do something about it by myself even if you aren't with me. [player]Hmm? [player]I'll take your silence as acceptance. [Ciri]Fine then, but you must promise me that you'll run away as quickly as you can if we really get into a fight with these criminals. [player]Don't worry, I cherish my life very much. [player]But why won't you consider asking the people of Soul for help? They should all be willing to help you. [Ciri]You know what the people of Soul are like. They are in trouble too, and it's already very good if they can manage the troupe well. [Ciri]Besides, I'm the one who wants to save wild animals. This burden shouldn't be borne by other members of Soul. I think back and remember how I helped the old man with heatstroke inspect tickets, helped the understaffed support staff with gaffer work, helped them build the stage, and helped them clean props... Okay, I admit that Ciri is right. Soul already has a lot of problems, and it probably can't provide much manpower or resources to help us find the little red-crowned cranes. [Ciri]But... even though we can't find other helpers, it's not like we don't have any clues. Kurone Toujou might know something. My ears perk up the moment I hear Kurone Toujou's name. Isn't that the member of the Four Greats who is at Countless Springs? [player]Why would she have any clues? [player]Hmm? [player]You keep falling silent today. Is it something that you can't tell me? [Ciri]No, I'm thinking about the best way to tell you. After all, a lot of rumors have been flying around in the troupe recently, and I'm worried that you'll get the wrong idea. [player]Do I look like someone who is so easily influenced by others?! [player]Hmm? [player]Don't be silent at such a crucial time! [Ciri]Well... Actually, Kurone Toujou was the one who found this red-crowned crane and handed it to me. She said she has no experience in taking care of such animals and that Countless Springs is not a good place for keeping this kind of wild animal. She hoped that I could take care of it and take it back to its habitat after it recovers. [Ciri]Since I've always been rescuing wild animals, I naturally didn't turn her down. [player]Is this why you've been going to Countless Springs recently? [Ciri]Huh? Even you know about that? It looks like the rumors spreading through the troupe are quite powerful. [player]Why don't you consider explaining what's happened to everyone? [Ciri]What should I say? Should I bring the red-crowned crane, which gets nervous when it sees people, to them so they can crowd around it and stare at it, or should I bring them to Kurone Toujou to explain things to them? [Ciri]I don't even have enough evidence to help us find the little red-crowned cranes, let alone dispel the rumors. [Ciri]Also, I don't care what they say as long as I have a clear conscience. When I see Ciri's resolute attitude, I feel that it'll be difficult for me to convince her in a short period of time. In that case, I might as well help her solve the problem of the red-crowned crane first. As she said, once the matter is settled, we'll have enough evidence to prove her innocence. [player]What should we do next then? Do you have any good ideas? [Ciri]Actually, I already went to see Kurone Toujou in the morning today because I had a feeling this incident isn't that simple and wanted to ask her about the situation when she found this injured red-crowned crane. [player]What happened? [Ciri]It's a pity that she wasn't there. The staff said she had gone out and wouldn't return until tomorrow. [player]Then we'll need to wait until tomorrow morning and ask her about the situation before we can plan what to do next. [Ciri]It looks like that's all we can do for now. It won't do us any good to run around aimlessly like headless chickens. Suddenly, Ciri's mobile phone starts ringing. She takes a look at the screen and then sighs deeply. [player]Let me guess. Was that Sara? [Ciri]You two are quite in sync. Neither of us went to today's performance, and we haven't even started thinking about informing them yet... By the way, why haven't you received a call yet? [player]Oh? That's right. After Ciri reminds me, I quickly take out my phone... It's out of power again. Now that I think about it, I only hurriedly charged it for a few minutes in the morning, so it's normal for it to be out of power now. [Ciri]Haha! Seriously, PLAYER, you're kind of cute sometimes. Anyway, let's stop here today and prepare to go home so we can think about how we'll explain ourselves to our "parent." Ciri and I go our separate ways to return home. It is completely dark by the time I get home. After plugging in my phone and turning it on again, I receive countless text messages from Ryan, and almost all of them convey his concerns about my failure to go to the performance today. I send him a text message to roughly explain what happened today and focus on Ciri's views on the attitude of the other members of the troupe. [Ryan](Text Message) Onee-sama, you don't need to worry about that. I'll take care of things in the troupe. You should have a good rest now. [Ryan](Text Message) Promise me that you'll have a good sleep tonight. I'll check up on you in your dreams! Although he didn't say what he would do about it, when I recall that Ryan has shown me how capable he is and that he has Sara's powerful support, I feel like I can relax for now. At this moment, I just hope that this matter concerning the red-crowned cranes can be resolved smoothly and that the misunderstanding between Ciri and the other members of Soul can be resolved as soon as possible.