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We usually fear what we don't know. If we can get the staff to realize that Mojito is just a fierce-looking "big cat," I believe they would accept it. After all, no one can say no to a cat.
[player]Can we get Mojito to show the staff of Countless Springs its friendly side?
[player]Have you noticed that the two staff over there seem to be terrified of Mojito?
Ciri looks where I'm looking and happens to make eye contact with a female employee who has braids and is wearing a pair of round glasses, causing her to suddenly pull her head back behind the door.
[player]We've come here today to learn more about the situation from Kurone Toujou. It won't be worth it if we're stuck here at the door because the staff are scared of Mojito.
Ciri frowns as she thinks for a moment, then she sighs.
[Ciri]Ah, I know.
[Ciri]Mojito, put on a good show in a moment and be nice to them.
[Ciri]Go and get them to come over here.
After receiving Ciri's permission, out of basic trust in an outstanding animal tamer, I walk up to the staff of Countless Springs to have a talk with them.
[player]Hello there. I'm a friend of that black panther over there.
[Male Staff]H-Hi, can I help you with anything?
[player]Here's the thing, I know you won't believe me if I tell you that the black panther is actually very well-behaved.
[Female Staff]Well... It is a black panther after all. I don't see them often even at the zoo.
[player]Would you like to go over and pet it?
[Female Staff]Ah! W-Will it bite people?
[player]No. The person standing next to it is Ciri, the most famous animal tamer of Soul. This black panther performs with her all the time and has friendly interactions with members of the audience during performances.
[Male Staff]Ciri... that name sounds familiar. Has she been here before? Our colleagues from the previous shift have mentioned her name before.
[Female Staff]It seems like she is one of our regulars...
The two staff members look at each other. I don't know if it's because they trust Ciri or because they realize that they can't just let Mojito continue to lie outside the entrance of Countless Springs, but they finally decide to follow me all the way to Ciri and Mojito.
However, they are still very skeptical, standing two meters away from Mojito the whole time, and refuse to touch it.