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シナリオ インターローグ


[Kallen Kouzuki]What? This person called Kaguyahime is too good at this...!
After several East games, Kaguyahime is still leading the score.
[C.C.]As expected of someone who calls herself a deity. You have the strength to match your claim.
[Suzaku Kururugi]Urgh... I concede.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Hmm, it looks like the tactics of this game and chess are different. I'm starting to get some idea of what to do, but I still don't get the gist of it quite yet.
[Kaguyahime]Hey, black hair—you're called Lelouch, right? You're not bad at mahjong, but brown hair here is terrible. His foundation is too weak.
[Suzaku Kururugi]Foundation... huh? Mr. Wanjirou, is it really that difficult to rapidly close the gap with the others in mahjong?
[Wanjirou]Of course, woof. But your problem is a weak foundation like Kaguyahime said. Things like tile efficiency, for example, woof.
[Suzaku Kururugi]If it's not too much trouble, can you tell me more about this? It'll be too difficult for me to win if I carry on like this.
[Wanjirou]I guess I can... Okay, I'll teach you then, woof.
[Kallen Kouzuki]Um, mind if I join in too? Can you teach me the basics of mahjong as well?
[Ichihime]If that's the case, I'll teach Kallen, nyaa!
[Kallen Kouzuki]Thanks, Ichihime.
[C.C.]If they are going to work on their foundation, I'll take a break first.
[Kaguyahime]I guess you're right as I'm also a little tired from winning so much. It would be great if you can make things more fun for me after the break.
[Kaguyahime]You seem to be hiding your true ability, am I right?
[C.C.]Heh, who knows? See you later then.
[Kaguyahime]Hehehe, this woman won't give anything away.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]I'll go outside to get some fresh air.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Because Kaguyahime won the game just now, I wasn't able to figure out whether my wish will be granted.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]However, it really looks like we aren't in Area 11 anymore. If this isn't the concession area, it's doubtful whether we are still even in the same region.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Despite that, what I've seen, heard, and felt are very real, not at all like a hallucination or dream. In other words, we really were taken to another world.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]I should be more shocked, but after my experience at Kamine Island, I don't feel surprised anymore no matter how absurd things seem.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]If any part of it is nonsense, it's what Kaguyahime said about having our wish to return to our world granted after winning mahjong games. It sounds simple, but that's precisely why it is difficult.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]There's no question that Kaguyahime is strong, and C.C. also seems to have experience that shouldn't be underestimated. I'll need experience and skills to beat them.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Damn, Nunnally is still waiting for me to return home in our world...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Wait a minute, if Kaguyahime is telling the truth, and any wish can be granted, will it be able to create a world in which Nunnally can live peacefully and happily...?
[Lelouch Lamperouge]...Hmph, now that's ridiculous. Only I can grant my wishes. That's why I need power.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]It's the same in mahjong. I need to rely on my strength, intelligence, and skills to win. Therefore, I...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Hmm? What's that sound? It seems to be coming from over there...
Lelouch walks towards where he heard the loud noise and sees a girl in a wheelchair who is stuck because her wheelchair has been jammed by a stone.
[Reina Nanami]H-How strange... My wheelchair can't move...?
[Reina Nanami]Ichihime—! Mr. Wanjirou—! Is anyone here—?
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Hey, just give me a moment. A wheel is stuck in a crack in the stone. I'll lift the wheelchair up for you... Urgh—
[Reina Nanami]T-Thank you. I'm so sorry for making you help me.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]You're welcome. It was nothing. What are you doing here at this shrine?
[Reina Nanami]I promised Ichihime, the priestess of this shrine, to bring her some of the new snacks from my café for her to try out.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]I see. She should be in the guest room. I'll take you there.
[Reina Nanami]You know Ichihime?
[Lelouch Lamperouge]I... I guess I do. We met not too long ago. I'm Lelouch Lamperouge. Nice to meet you.
[Reina Nanami]Hi, I'm Reina Nanami. Mr. Lelouch, you must be Ichihime's guest.
[Reina Nanami]If you don't mind, would you also like to try the new snacks? You can think of it as a thank-you gift for helping me earlier...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Haha, it really was nothing.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Like you, my little sister can't move her legs, so I'm very aware of how troublesome it is for you when your wheelchair doesn't work properly.
[Reina Nanami]I see... Mr. Lelouch, like I thought, you're such a gentle person.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]I'm not as good of a person as you think I am... but thank you anyway.
[Reina Nanami]...I would still like you to try some of the snacks I brought over. It would be even better if your little sister can join us too. Speaking of it, where is your little sister now?
[Reina Nanami]Oh, is the guest Ichihime mentioned...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]No, I came from a very distant place. My little sister is still waiting at home for me to return.
[Reina Nanami]Ah, I see. You must miss her a lot.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Yes, that's why I must return as soon as possible, but it seems that I won't be able to return home until I win the mahjong game.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]It's my first time playing mahjong. I played against someone called Kaguyahime and was no match for her at all.
[Reina Nanami]It sounds like Mr. Lelouch is also here to participate in Mahjong Soul Shrine's tournament... This event is held every once in a while here at Mahjong Soul Shrine, and many people who don't seem to be residents of One Han City, just like you, Mr. Lelouch, participate in it every time...
[Reina Nanami]If you don't mind, I can teach you.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]You? Do you also play mahjong?
[Reina Nanami]Yes, almost everyone knows how to play mahjong here in One Han City. I usually play with my classmates or friends.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Friends, huh... That'll be great. Please teach me everything.
[Reina Nanami]I will.
[C.C.]...As I expected, I really can't connect to C's World. This means, we really are in another world.
[C.C.]It seems that winning a mahjong game to get your wish granted isn't that far-fetched.
[C.C.]...Hah! What am I looking forward to? Even if there is a power that can grant wishes, it's still impossible for my wish to be granted.
[C.C.]To grant my wish means that my curse must be transferred to someone else. The rules of this world shouldn't be able to shake the iron laws of my world.
[C.C.]If that's the case, the only thing I can look forward to is returning to my own world and letting Lelouch fulfill our contract.
[C.C.]But what if my wish can really be granted... Hmm?
Carried by a gentle breeze, something lands right at C.C.'s feet. She bends down to pick it up and realizes it's a tarot card.
[Kaavi]That's mine.
[C.C.]It's a rather inauspicious reading.
After looking at the illustration of the card, C.C. returns the tarot card to the woman who came chasing after it.
[Kaavi]Since you picked it up, this is your destiny.
[C.C.]Oh? Are you a fortune teller? Then how would you interpret this reading?
[Kaavi]...It represents a wish that can't be granted.
The fortune teller leaves after making an inauspicious prophecy.
[C.C.]"A wish that can't be granted," huh? I'm sick of hearing that, Miss Fortune Teller.
[Reina Nanami]When the situation becomes like this, this tile will...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]I see, so I can do that?
[Reina Nanami]Well? Did you manage to learn anything?
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Yes, knowledge really does come from practice. Practicing with you had broadened my mind a lot.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Thank you, Reina.
[Reina Nanami]Y-You're welcome. This can be my thank you gift for earlier... It'll be great if this helps you win the mahjong games so you can return home and reunite with your little sister.
[Reina Nanami]Oh, and it'll be even better if you can find a cure for your little sister's legs too.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]...Yeah. The problem with my little sister's eyes is caused by a psychogenic disease, so there's still a chance to cure them, but I'm afraid there is little hope for her legs.
[Reina Nanami]...Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know much about your little sister's situation, so I made an assumption based on my own situation.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]That's alright. So does that mean your feet can still be cured?
[Reina Nanami]Actually, my leg injury isn't that serious, and my legs recovered soon after the accident, but for some reason, they can't feel anything, and I haven't been able to walk... I'm sorry, I didn't hide this from you on purpose.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Psychological trauma caused by an accident, huh... Unlike physical injuries, it's more difficult for psychological injuries to heal naturally.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Besides, you haven't fully recovered, so you don't need to feel sorry.
[Reina Nanami]But maybe I can walk again if I can be braver.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Everyone will have times when they fail to muster up the courage. I'm the same too.
[Reina Nanami]You too? I can't imagine that.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Yes, me too. I lied to my friends and companions. Maybe they would be willing to help me if I told them the truth.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]It's just that given the situation back at home, telling the truth may put my little sister in danger—a life-threatening danger.
[Reina Nanami]Even your little sister will...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Yeah, so I have lied to them all this time. I haven't been able to find the courage to tell them the truth.
[Reina Nanami]How could this be... Ah, but if your friends are here too, won't you be able to tell them the truth now?
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Eh?
[Reina Nanami]After all, this isn't the place where you came from. Even if you tell the truth, maybe...
[Lelouch Lamperouge]...Is that so? Maybe you're right. Thank you, Reina.
[Reina Nanami]Yeah, I think that there are times when one has to summon up courage.
[Lelouch Lamperouge]Courage... The courage to tell the truth, huh?