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[player]So cocky... It wouldn't be surprising if she gets bundled into a sack one day while walking along the road. While One Han City has always been peaceful, it's precisely because it is One Han City that you shouldn't get on the wrong side of a Jyanshi. [Riu Kujou]Do you really think I'd let that happen? [player]Riu? When did you get here? The girl who silently appeared at my side is Riu Kujou, Chiori Mikami's maid. They're like sisters, despite one working for the other. As Chiori's personal maid, Riu Kujou excels at forcibly defending her lady's honor, punishing anyone who disrespects or even has inappropriate thoughts about her. I've tasted the power of those iron fists myself on several occasions, when I've dared joke about Chiori Mikami. ...Hang on. I suddenly recall my kind of unthinking words just now, and feel some misgivings. [player]Riu, what I said just now, about the sack... will you let me explain? [Riu Kujou]What, do, YOU, think? With a tight-lipped smile, Riu Kujou puts her powerful hands firmly on my shoulder. [Riu Kujou]However, there's something more important to discuss with you right now. Boohoo... you just wait, someone's gonna come give you your just deserts... Just as Riu Kujou says she wants to talk with me, a dire voice emanates from a nearby table, echoing in the Mahjong Soul Shrine and frightening all who hear it. Seeing yet another Jyanshi run off in tears after being soundly thrashed by Chiori Mikami, I silently look back. Against the backdrop of her arrogant laughter, I look earnestly toward Riu Kujou's serious face. [player]You see? Everyone says some inflammatory things in the heat of the moment. But you have to believe me, it was just words, and it's not like I really have a sack at hand! [Riu Kujou]Shh-- hush now. What do you think a delicate girl like me could do to you? [player]Are you redefining "delicate"...? [Riu Kujou]Ah, there was a sudden gust of wind. What did you just say? [player]Nothing. [Riu Kujou]Uh-huh. Okay then. Let's get down to business, there's a matter that's giving me a bit of a headache that I want to discuss with you. [player]Oh? Please, let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Very rarely is the word "headache" ever heard from the mouth of the almost-omnipotent Riu Kujou, so it must be a really tricky problem. [Riu Kujou]...A scoundrel. Especially dangerous. [player]Huh? The scoundrel? Is that still a thing?? [Riu Kujou]Why do you look so surprised? Wouldn't the existence of someone so dazzling as Miss Chiori be noticed by such a person? [player]What I mean is, don't panic. You can take care of it. [Riu Kujou]It is, after all, the meaning of my existence as a maid to clean up all filth from my lady's sight. This is only proper. Looking at Riu Kujou's posture, which suggests she is always ready to launch an attack due to her year-round practice of taekwondo, it's not difficult to imagine how she might have "cleaned up" those scoundrels. [player]I see. But your tone tells me that things are a little different this time? [Riu Kujou]Well, it was one night about a week ago. I called Miss Chiori to come down for dinner, but then something strange happened... Riu Kujou describes the scene on that day for me. [Riu Kujou]Dinner's ready, Miss... Miss Chiori? Surprsingly, Chiori Mikami's bedroom is completely empty. Riu Kujou's just about to go looking elsewhere, when creak a noise suddenly comes from the balcony. She looks over to see the sliding glass door open a crack, letting the sultry summer heat seep inside. And the noise sounded like a creak from somebody on a swing. [Riu Kujou]What are you doing on the balcony in this heat? Miss Chiori? Umm? Thinking she's found her lady, Riu Kujou goes to the balcony, where she's left shocked and surprised. For there's no sign of Chiori Mikami, only the swing, moving by itself. The air is so dry and still, without even the slightest breeze. She steps forward and touches the seat of the swing, and finds it still warm. Riu Kujou picks up a teddy bear that has fallen beside the swing, her expression serious. [Chiori Mikami]Nice, big win! I knew I couldn't lose on my home ground! Riu... Just then, Chiori Mikami's voice comes from outside the bedroom, revealing her actual location to be the small study next door. Riu Kujou clears her head, hurriedly replaces the teddy bear onto the swing, and then runs out of the bedroom in response to Chiori's call. [Riu Kujou]I'm here. [Chiori Mikami]I just played a South Wind round, and am so hungry I think I could eat even more than Ichihime. [Riu Kujou]Pff, I hear you. Tonight I've prepared beef pizza, and sour and spicy prawns, with a mango crepe cake for dessert. If that's not enough, I can also rustle up some pasta. [Chiori Mikami]Wow! Are they the sour and spicy prawns we had at the restaurant last time? You learned how to make them, Riu?! [Riu Kujou]I hope the taste will be as you remember, Miss. [Chiori Mikami]Have some confidence! I'm sure what you make will be even better than the restaurant! [Riu Kujou]With those words, Miss Chiori, I'll definitely make something more delicious. [Riu Kujou]I'm very flattered that Miss Chiori ate all the shrimp I made that day. [player]Whoa, they must have been amazing... Hang on, isn't the point of all this to tell me about this "scoundrel"? [Riu Kujou]Oh, yeah! So anyway, that was the first time I learned of their existence. Afterward, there were several times when I was out with Miss Chiori and I felt like someone was spying on us from the shadows. A shame that they seemed pretty alert though, as they'd always disappeared before I could find them. [player]Sounds stressful. [Riu Kujou]Although I've already enrolled in the latest Special Maid Training class to sharpen my anti-surveillance skills, I don't think I can fully guarantee Miss Chiori's safety this time. [player]You're already awesome, Riu. As far as I can tell, Chiori's always been well protected by you. But now that I know what's going on, what can I do to help? [Riu Kujou]Join me to increase Miss Chiori's level of protection! If we share the work, we might even catch that scoundrel quicker! [player]I'd be happy to, but why choose me, Riu? [Riu Kujou]It wasn't so much me who chose you, but rather it was Miss Chiori's "consciousness" that chose you. [player]Huh? What's that supposed to mean? [Riu Kujou]Miss Chiori is not someone who easily trusts others. Despite seeming to dislike you whenever she sees you, she does always subconsciously seek your help when encountering any problems... [Riu Kujou]Perhaps she doesn't even know herself when she formed this habit... [Riu Kujou]So I reckon that she might be more likely to let you stay by her side. [Riu Kujou]But worry not! It may have been my mistake that made Miss Chiori depend on an outsider, but I'll definitely make things right, and she'll be gone of you in no time! That last sentence sent a shiver up my spine. [player]Ahaha... Don't take things so seriously, for real. [player]However... it doesn't matter if this scoundrel is a stalker, or has some other purpose. We'd better find them together as soon as possible. [Riu Kujou]Shh-- keep your voice down! Miss Chiori herself still doesn't know about all this. [player]Huh? [Riu Kujou]If she found out, I just know she'd be so scared that she wouldn't eat or sleep. The most important thing is, from my understanding of her, that the lady would even think up a way to catch the scoundrel herself. And that's just too dangerous! [Riu Kujou]So, you've gotta think up a reason to come with us. [player]Eh... can't I just say I want to spend time with you two? [ Chiori Mikami]Spend time together? Why would I want to spend time with PLAYER? [Chiori Mikami]Hmph. I don't. So forget it. [player]... ... Great. But at least it's not unexpected, and actually pretty normal considering it's Chiori Mikami. Riu Kujou stands by, trying to rescue our protection plan which is in danger of failing before it even starts. [Riu Kujou]Didn't you say you wanted to arrange a time to see PLAYER when you had time, Miss Chiori? [Chiori Mikami]Huh?! You're a fool, Riu! I've never, ever said that! [Riu Kujou]Ah, I remember now. My mistake. How could you ever want to spend time with PLAYER, Miss Chiori. I shoot a puzzled look at Riu Kujou, since we're meant to be on the same team and all now. Well, I've gotta do all I can to keep Chiori Mikami safe. [player]Why don't you want to hang out with me, Chiori? [Chiori Mikami]I just don't feel like it. What's with all the "whys"?! [Chiori Mikami]But you really want to see me so badly, PLAYER? That can't be because... you don't have any friends willing to spend time with you? [player]Of course not! I came specially to look for you, Chiori. I even had to turn down other invitations! [Chiori Mikami]...Hmph. Don't think you can fool me so easily. If it's not because you don't have other friends, then there has to be some other reason. Come clean! Seems like I have to come up with a good enough reason to make her believe... Alright, let's just say...